Elle Decor Japan, June 2013
Accent, July 2018, At Home with Patrick Blanc and Pascal of Bollywood
Elle Decor Italia Avril 2018
Garden Lab, Sept. 2021, Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni House
Pascal dans notre maison troglodyte
Iris wattii and Iris japonica in the patio
Global Warming exemplified by Patrick Blanc taking his shower outdoors under a Brugmansia in full bloom on 6 th December 2015 in Paris
Iris wattii chez Patrick Blanc
Patio, vu de porte-fenêtre
Patio côté Colocasia formosana
Begonia pedatifida in the patio
Patio, vu du haut
Colocasia formosana with inflorescence, patio Patrick Blanc Home
Patio, banc et Boehmeria
Fatsia polycarpa, leaves and leaf shadows on the patio vertical garden
Patio, côté Fatsia polycarpa
Snow on the Vertical Garden in Patrick Blanc home
Manon Riviere taking her shower in the patio by almost freezing temperatures in late November 2023, photo by Cedric Basset
Patrick Blanc taking his shower by a snowy day, Jan. 20th 2013
Pascal Heni taking his shower by -5° C, Feb. 10th 2021
Iris wattii covered by snow at early morning, January 2013
Colocasia formosana with stalatites in January 2013
Pilea rotundinucula, stalactites at leaf apices in the patio
Pilea rotundinucula in the patio
Pilea rotundinucula, leaf transparency on the patio vertical garden
Coniogramme emeiensis on the patio vertical garden in Patrick Blanc home
Tricyrtis ishiiana on the patio vertical garden, Patrick Blanc home
Hedychium gracile flowering on the patio vertical garden in october, Patrick Blanc Home
Fremontodendron californicum in full bloom on the patio vertical garden
Aspidistra sichuanensis Kinboshi in the patio, Patrick Blanc's House
Living room, bookshelves, living Cissus root curtain, the desk standing on the 25 cubic meters aquarium and the indoor vertical garden in Patrick Blanc's home, July 2019
Vertical Garden and Christarium at night, Patrick's home
Christarium avec bureau de Patrick Blanc, Mur Végétal, bibliothèque et rideau de racines de Cissus sicyoides.
Indoor vertical garden in Patrick Blanc home after four years of growth
Patrick Blanc at home under bookshelves and blooming Schefflera heterophylla, Sept.2016
Stairs, books, desk, aquarium and the vertical garden in Patrick Blanc's home
Patrick Blanc and Eliott Guegan Guillaume on the Christarium, July 2021
Bureau de Patrick Blanc sur le Christarium, avec glace frontale
Indoor Vertical Garden, Christarium
Cissus verticillata, indoor living roots curtain of Cissus verticillata in Patrick Blanc Home, July 2019