Patrick's desk on the Christarium, just few months after the creation, 2009
Patrick Blanc à son bureau, Feb 2012
Bureau de Patrick Blanc sur le Christarium
Christarium at Patrick Blanc home with fishes, Vertical garden and the desk.
Vertical garden at night in Patrick's home
Mur Végétal et bassin au Christarium, avril 2012
Patrick Blanc desk on the Christarium at night
Mur Végétal chez Patrick Blanc, Février 2012
Mur Christarium
Bookshelves, Vertical Garden and aquatic plants submerged in le Christarium, Patrick Blanc home, May 2013
Night reflection on the glasses, Patrick Blanc Home
Cryptocoryne crispatula submerged in the Christarium, in fast flowing water
Patrick Blanc desk above the water at night with underwater lightiing.
Vertical Garden, desk and reflection, Patrick Blanc Home
Polypodium and Hedychium reflection at night, Patrick Blanc Home
Vertical garden, Christarium and Patrick Blanc desk at night
Patrick Blanc cleaning le Christarium
Black Veiltail Angelfish in the Christarium
Malawi blue Mbuna Cichlids and Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis Rosanervig in the Christarium, P. Blanc Home
Aponogeton madagascariensis and Lake Malawi blue Cichlids inside the Christarium at Patrick Blanc Home
Aponogeton madagascariensis in the Christarium
Kinosternon carinatum swimming inside the Christarium
Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis Rosanervig
Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis 'Rosanervig' submerged in Christarium
Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis Rosanervig submerged in Patrick Blanc's Christarium
Cryptocoryne cordata open spatha in the Christarium
Cryptocoryne cordata, spathe open under water, an air bubble obstructing the top of the tube, Patrick Blanc home
Patrick Blanc bathing at home in his Christarium to observe the bright yellow spathe of Cryptocoryne cordata, Dec. 2020
Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia and C. cordata var. siamensis growing submerged in the Christarium and Philodendron Lemon Lime hanging Vertical
Patrick Blanc working at his desk behind Crinum natans flowers emerging from the fifty m2 glass covered aquarium, Feb. 2016
Crinum natans flowering at Patrick Blanc home, Feb 2016
Crinum natans flower in the Christarium
Loriculus galgulus male on a Witheringia, Patrick Blanc home
Chlorophonia cyanea, male and female on Schefflera in Patrick Blanc home
Zosterops kikuyuensis au nid
Phelsuma madagascariensis, male and female on bookshelves, Patrick Blanc home
Phelsuma madagascariensis, male and female on bookshelves, closeup, Patrick Blanc home
Lygodactylus williamsii drinking water on a Ficus leaf, Patrick Blanc home, Paris
Lygodactylus williamsii drinking water on the leaves, Patrick Blanc Home
Hyperolius tree frog resting on a Philodendron billietae leaf