Chloranthus cf. nervosus, population in deciduous forest understory at the beginning of dry season, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, four leaved stems, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus turning yellow in an exposed site at the beginning of the dry season, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, leaf blade veins ending in marginal hydathodes, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, almost sessile spike at the end of the four leaved stem, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, almost sessile spike with yellow anther connectives very similar to the newly described Chloranthus flavus, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, sessile spike with yellow anther connectives very similar to the newly described Chloranthus flavus from China, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, spike with yellow anther connectives very similar to the newly described Chloranthus flavus and green bracts edged with dark purple line, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, upper part of the spike with bright yellow fleshy three lobed androecium, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, three lobed fleshy yellow androecium connectives, internal adaxial face with thecae and free external abaxial face, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, yellow three lobed fleshy androecium with two thecae at the base of median lobe and single one on very base of each lateral lobe, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, bracts, ovaries and androecium, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, bracts edged with dark purple line enclosing the ovary with prominent stigma, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, stem with pseudo verticillate four leaves and central terminal maturing infructescence, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Chloranthus cf. nervosus, maturing infructescence, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
Dracaena maingayi, population of saplings in freshwater swamp forest, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, saplings in freshwater swamp forest, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, leafy stem, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, young individual in freshwater swamp forest, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi reaching the lower forest canopy, rainy day, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi crown in the forest canopy, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, trunk and main branches, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, leafy branches in the forest canopy, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, main trunk and basal offshoots, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, trunk in forest understory, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, trunk and branches reaching the forest canopy, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi trunk, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, aerial roots emerging from a trunk wound, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, trunk base with buttressed roots, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Dracaena maingayi, basal offshoots emerging from the indistinct trunk base, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Syngonium steyermarkii creeping on the forest floor, juvenile form with lobate leaves, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Syngonium steyermarkii, juvenile form with lobate leaves creeping on forest floor, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Syngonium steyermarkii, juvenile form with lobate leaves, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Syngonium steyermarkii, juvenile form with lobate leaves and deeply impressed submarginal vein, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Oreopanax peltatus, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Anthurium flexile, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Solanum trizygum, population on seeping earth slope in forest understory, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Solanum trizygum, leaves and axillary inflorescences, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Solanum trizygum, axillary inflorescences, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Hedyosmum mexicanum reaching the low cloud forest canopy, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala