Goniothalamus sp., flower, recurved outer petals, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Goniothalamus sp., flower with Patrick Blanc's nail for the scale, Imbu Rano, 220 m asl, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Goniothalamus sp., flower, sepals and the two rows of petals, Imbu Rano, 220 m asl, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Goniothalamus sp., gamosepalous calyx, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Goniothalamus sp., withering gynoecium, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Goniothalamus sp., old mericarps peduncle, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Goniothalamus sp., mericarps from a single flower, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra sp. in habitat,on vertical earth bank above a river, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Patrick Blanc showing a large isophyllous Cyrtandra species with inflorescences congested along the stem, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Sept. 2019
Cyrtandra sp. flowering on vertical earth bank above a river, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra sp. , congested axillary inflorescences and infructescences along the stem, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra sp. , flower, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra sp., maturing baccate fruits, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra filibracteata, isophyllous cauliflorous shrub in forest understory, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra filibracteata, cauliflorous shrub in the forest understory, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra filibracteata, cauliflorous dense inflorescences with filiform bracts and bright red tubular corollas, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra filibracteata, cauliflorous shrub in forest understory, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra filibracteata, cauliflorous dense inflorescences with filiform bracts and bright pink tubular corollas, white baccate fruits, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra filibracteata, inflorescence, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Cyrtandra filibracteata, flowers at anthesis, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Patrick Blanc considering the huge leaf of Scindapsus altissimus, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Sept. 2019
Scindapsus altissimus, leaf blade in forest understory, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Scindapsus altissimus in forest understory, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Scindapsus altissimus on forest floor, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Scindapsus altissimus, climbing stem fixed to tree trunk by adventitious roots, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Patrick Blanc in forest understory, the tree trunks covered by the climbing Scindapsus altissimus, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands, Sept. 2019
Scindapsus altissimus in perhumid forest understory, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Pothos tener, detached hanging stems, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Pothos tener densely covering the host tree, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Pothos tener, hanging bright red infructescences, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Pothos tener, hanging infructescence with bright red berries and brown dry spathe, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Pothos tener, young climbing stem with asymmetric shiny leaves, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Patrick Blanc observing the leaf of Cyrtosperma johnstonii, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Sept. 2019
Cyrtosperma johnstonii in swampy forest understory, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Cyrtosperma johnstonii, venation pattern of the blade, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Cyrtosperma johnstonii, motled petiole with spiny emergences, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Rhaphidophora korthalsii, Juvenile shingle leaved stage of a narrow falcate leaved individual, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Rhaphidophora korthalsii, climbing juvenile shingle leaved stage, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Rhaphidophora korthalsii, Juvenile shingle leaved stage, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Rhaphidophora korthalsii, adult pinnatisect leaves, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands