Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Dipteris conjugata, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Dipteris conjugata, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Dipteris conjugata, frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Dipteris conjugata, frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Histiopteris herbacea, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Histiopteris herbacea, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Histiopteris herbacea, sterile frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Histiopteris herbacea, sterile frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Sticherus hirtus in a forest gap, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Sticherus hirtus in a forest gap, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Sticherus hirtus, fan shaped fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Sticherus hirtus, fan shaped fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Sticherus hirtus, two fan shaped fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Sticherus hirtus, two fan shaped fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Patrick Blanc under a huge Pteris werneri frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Patrick Blanc under a huge Pteris werneri frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Pteris werneri, pedate frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Pteris werneri, pedate frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Pteris werneri, fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Pteris werneri, fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Pteris werneri, pedate structure of the fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Pteris werneri, pedate structure of the fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Leptochilus macrophyllus, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Leptochilus macrophyllus, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Calochlaena straminea, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Calochlaena straminea, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Calochlaena straminea, frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Calochlaena straminea, frond, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Calochlaena straminea, lower surface of the frond with sori, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Calochlaena straminea, lower surface of the frond with sori, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Calochlaena straminea, sori, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Calochlaena straminea, sori, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Abrodictyum pluma in its forest understory habitat, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Abrodictyum pluma in its forest understory habitat, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Abrodictyum pluma, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Abrodictyum pluma, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Abrodictyum pluma, crowded highly dissected fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Abrodictyum pluma, crowded highly dissected fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Abrodictyum pluma, highly dissected moss like fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Abrodictyum pluma, highly dissected moss like fronds, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Chingia malodora as a rheophyte along river banks, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

    Chingia malodora as a rheophyte along river banks, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

  • Chingia malodora along river banks, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.

    Chingia malodora along river banks, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.

  • Chingia malodora, fronds hanging  above the river, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

    Chingia malodora, fronds hanging above the river, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

  • Chingia malodora, fronds, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.

    Chingia malodora, fronds, Tenaru, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.

  • Stachyphrynium repens in forest understory, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Stachyphrynium repens in forest understory, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii on sandy hydromorphic soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii on sandy hydromorphic soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii, leaf with deeply impressed veins, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii, leaf with deeply impressed veins, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii, leaves and two flowers lying just at the surface of the sandy hydromorphic soil, the inflorescence peduncle totally buried in the soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii, leaves and two flowers lying just at the surface of the sandy hydromorphic soil, the inflorescence peduncle totally buried in the soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii, two flowers lying just at the surface of the sandy hydromorphic soil, their inflorescence peduncle totally buried in the soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii, two flowers lying just at the surface of the sandy hydromorphic soil, their inflorescence peduncle totally buried in the soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii, leaves and flowers, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii, leaves and flowers, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii, purple utriculate tube of the flower and long white peduncle bearing cataphylls, vertically buried in the soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii, purple utriculate tube of the flower and long white peduncle bearing cataphylls, vertically buried in the soil, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii, deeply lobed stigma and stamens, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii, deeply lobed stigma and stamens, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii,stamen hidden under the stigma, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii,stamen hidden under the stigma, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra phanluongii, stamens close to the style, hidden under the large lobed stigma, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

    Aspidistra phanluongii, stamens close to the style, hidden under the large lobed stigma, Cat Tien NP, Vietnam

  • Tacca cf. khanhhoaensis in its forest understory habitat, Dambri Waterfall, Bao Loc, Vietnam,

    Tacca cf. khanhhoaensis in its forest understory habitat, Dambri Waterfall, Bao Loc, Vietnam,

  • Tacca cf. khanhhoaensis in perhumid forest understory habitat, Dambri Waterfall, Bao Loc, Vietnam,

    Tacca cf. khanhhoaensis in perhumid forest understory habitat, Dambri Waterfall, Bao Loc, Vietnam,

  • Tacca cf. khanhhoaensis, leaf, Dambri Waterfall, Bao Loc, Vietnam,

    Tacca cf. khanhhoaensis, leaf, Dambri Waterfall, Bao Loc, Vietnam,

  • Patrick Blanc observing Chloranthus cf. nervosus, in pine forest understory, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2019

    Patrick Blanc observing Chloranthus cf. nervosus, in pine forest understory, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2019

  • Chloranthus cf. nervosus, population in perturbated deciduous forest understory, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam

    Chloranthus cf. nervosus, population in perturbated deciduous forest understory, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam

  • Chloranthus cf. nervosus, population in deciduous forest understory, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam

    Chloranthus cf. nervosus, population in deciduous forest understory, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam
