Rhaphidophora korthalsii, characteristic ramentose scaly feeding root, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Rhaphidophora korthalsii, ramentose scaly feeding root, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Schismatoglottis calyptrata and Elatostema cf. integrifolium, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Epipremnum pinnatum, forest in Botanical Gardens, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Epipremnum pinnatum climbing on tree trunk in forest in Botanical Gardens, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Alocasia cf. macrorrhizos, triangular undulate leaves, forest understory around the Botanical Gardens, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Alocasia cf. macrorrhizos, triangular undulate leaves, forest around the Botanical Gardens, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Alocasia cf. macrorrhizos, strongly undulate leaf margins, forest around the Botanical Gardens, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Alocasia cf. macrorrhizos, very long and narrow spadix, forest around the Botanical Gardens, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Alocasia cf. macrorrhizos, withering sterile and male portions of the very long and narrow spadix, forest around the Botanical Gardens, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Homalomena sp, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Rhaphidophora spuria, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands
Rhaphidophora spuria, leaves, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands
Phrynium sp., in forest understory, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Phrynium sp., inflorescence, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Phrynium sp., flowers, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Phrynium sp., flowers with long tube, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Physokentia dennisii, leaf crown reaching the forest canopy,Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Physokentia dennisii, stilt roots at the stipe base, the wet soil covered by an Elatostema,Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Elatostema sp., anisophylly with a small opposite leaf and long inflorescence peduncle, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Elatostema sp., inflorescence, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Ficus theophrastoides, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Ficus theophrastoides, humus collecting leaf bases, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Licuala lauterbachii in forest understory, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Nastus obtusus in forest understory, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Nastus obtusus, culm producing lateral branches, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Nastus obtusus at forest edge, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Piper ornatum, seedling, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Piper ornatum, an individual with faint pink markings on the peltate bullate leaves, Mbambanga, Solomon Islands
Piper ornatum, a reniform leaved form, Mbambanga, Solomon Islands
Piper ornatum, a reniform bullate peltate leaved form, Mbambanga, Solomon Islands
Patrick Blanc at the base of an old Cycas bougainvilleana on a small coral island, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands, Sept. 2019
Cycas bougainvilleana in coral island forest understory, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands
Cycas bougainvilleana, leaves crown, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands
Cycas bougainvilleana, enlarged base of the trunk rooting in the coral sand soil of forest understory, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands
Cycas bougainvilleana in sandy soil of coral island forest understory, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands
Cycas bougainvilleana, leaf, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands
Cycas bougainvilleana, pinnate frond, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands
Cycas bougainvilleana, leaflets, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands
Cycas bougainvilleana, leaflets insertion along the frond rachis, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands