Françoise Raynaud and Patrick Blanc under their Living Pendants at the Grand Opening of DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris, 17th Nov. 2022
Living Pendants at DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Patrick Blanc and Françoise Raynaud among he Living Pendants, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Patrick Blanc and Françoise Raynaud looking at the Living Pendants, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Patrick Blanc and Françoise Raynaud during a discussion among the plants at DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Plant Design by Patrick Blanc for the Living Pendants, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Des Stèles pour Gaston, proposition by Patrick Blanc for the indoor atrium, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
The Living Pendants from the street, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
The Living Pendants, translucense and reflection from the street, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
The three Living Pendants, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
The Living Pendants and their bench basins, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Two Living Pendants and their bench basins, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
a Living Pendant, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Living Pendant, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Alocasia baginda, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Begonia masoniana, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Medinilla magnifica, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Plant Design, outdoor vertical garden with lianas, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Plant Design for the Terrasse Planters with herbaceous species, shrubs and lianas, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Top Floor Terrasse, DWS Rebuffat, Paris
Green rocks and wooden terrasse overhanging the stairs, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Terrasses, DWS Rebuffat, Paris
Climbing plants on overhanging wooden stair terrasses, DWS Gaston Rebuffat, Paris
Wooden Terrasse, DWS Rebuffat, Paris
Climbers on a wooden Terrassa, DWS Rebuffat, Paris
Araujia sericofera climbing on a terrasse, DWS Rebuffat, Paris
Sedum palmeri and Soleirolia soleirolii covering the designed concrete wall at DWS rue Gaston Rebuffat, Parisjpg