Patrick Blanc dans les contreforts d'Octomeles sumatrana, Luzon, mai 2011
Patrick Blanc dans les Epithema, Luzon, mai 2011
Patrick Blanc looking at Pandanus roots, Sabang, Palawan, Philippines, 2011
Patrick Blanc et petits rochers à Begonia blancii, Palawan, Philippines
Rosario Rubite, Mark Hughes, Pascal Héni and Patrick Rosario Rubite, Mark Hughes, Pascal Héni et Patrick Blanc, habitat Begonia blancii, Palawan, mai 2011
Patrick Blanc, Mark Hughes and Rosario Rubite on the earth slope habitat of Begonia tagbanua, PPSRNP, Sabang, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Patrick Blanc with Rosario Rubite, Mark Hughes and the local guides in the Begonia blancii habitat, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Pascal Héni, Rosario Rubite, Mark Hughes and Patrick Blanc in the Begonia blancii habitat, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Rosario Rubite, Pascal Héni, Mark Hughes and Patrick Blanc drinking champagne in the Begonia blancii habitat, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Rosario Rubite, Patrick Blanc and Mark Hughes drinking champagne in the Begonia blancii habitat, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Rosario Rubite, Mark Hughes and Patrick Blanc among buttresses of Dracontomelon dao, Lagen, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Mark Hughes, Pascal Heni, Rosario Rubite and Patrick Blanc in front of the karst sea exposed cliff habitat of Begonia elnidoensis, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Patrick Blanc, Mark Hughes and Rosario Rubite discussing about Begonia tagbanua, mixed population of green and brown anthocyanic individuals on earth slope close to the sea, , PPSRNP, Sabang, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Rosario Rubite and Patrick Blanc in front of a mossy vertical cliff covered by Begonia suborbiculata, Taytay, Palawan, Philippines, May 2011
Patrick Blanc in a forest swamp, close to Pothos ovatifolius, Sabang, Palawan, Philippines, mai 2011
Patrick Blanc looking at Pandanus roots, Sabang, Palawan, Philippines
Patrick Blanc au pied d'un Pandanus, Sabang, Palawan, Philippines, mai 2011
Patrick Blanc at the Icon Hotel, Hong Kong, June 2011
Patrick Blanc in front of a waterfall, Mauritius, April 2011
Patrick Blanc in Mauritius, April 2011
Patrick Blanc and Cristina, two Leanderian creatures, Hamburg, March 2011
Patrick Blanc and Cristina, discussing about their beloved Zarah Leander, Hamburg, March 2011
Patrick Blanc, regard, Quetzal, Costa Rica
Patrick Blanc along a vertical earth bank covered in Episcia lilacina, mostly green leaved form and some brown leaved plants, Osa, Costa Rica, Jan 2011
Patrick Blanc along a bank covered in Episcia lilacina, Osa, Costa Rica 2011
Patrick Blanc at the base of a vertical earth bank covered by a Cyclanthaceae species, probably an Asplundia, Osa, Costa Rica, Jan. 2011
Patrick Blanc among the huge Philodendron pterotum leaves, Osa, Costa Rica, Jan. 2011
Patrick Blanc, Fougère, Mousses, Algues, Costa Rica, janvier 2011
Patrick Blanc, Tenorio slopes, Costa Rica 2011
Patrick Blanc among Gunnera insignis leaves, Poas, Costa Rica 2011
Patrick Blanc dans ruisseau à Isoetes, Tenorio, Costa Rica
Patrick Blanc, Tenorio, Costa Rica 2011
Patrick Blanc à 3000 m, Quetzal, Costa Rica
Patrick Blanc emerging from the root system of a strangling Ficus, Rincon, Costa Rica, Dec 2010
Patrick Blanc observing Centropogon solanifolius, Tenorio, Costa Rica, Dec 2010
Patrick Blanc among rheophytic shrubs, Rincon, Costa Rica, Dec 2010
Patrick Blanc under Ipomoea arborescens, Mexico, 2010
Patrick Blanc standing in a Cryptocoryne nurii river, Johore, Octobre 2010
Patrick Blanc acroupi dans biotope à Cryptocoryne nurii, Johore, Malaisie, Octobre 2010
Patrick Blanc et Selaginella willdenowii, Malaisie, Octobre 2010