Sauf mention spéciale, tous les portraits de Patrick Blanc depuis 1985 ont été réalisés par Pascal Héni et leur utilisation doit donc être accompagnée de la mention "Copyright Pascal Héni".
  • 2012
  • Patrick Blanc observing aquatic plants in the Mekong river, Vientiane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc observing aquatic plants in the Mekong river, Vientiane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc dans ruisseau à Cryptocoryne crispatula, Vientiane, Laos, Janvier 2012

    Patrick Blanc dans ruisseau à Cryptocoryne crispatula, Vientiane, Laos, Janvier 2012

  • Patrick Blanc collecting herbarium specimens of Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc collecting herbarium specimens of Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc and Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae, Radeau des Cimes expedition, Khonglor, Laos

    Patrick Blanc and Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae, Radeau des Cimes expedition, Khonglor, Laos

  • Patrick Blanc, Khonglor, vallée Hinboun, Laos, Janvier 2012

    Patrick Blanc, Khonglor, vallée Hinboun, Laos, Janvier 2012

  • Patrick Blanc during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé holding a Mussaenda sample, Hinboun, Laos, January 2012

    Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé holding a Mussaenda sample, Hinboun, Laos, January 2012

  • Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé much intrigued by a specimen of Arenga caudata during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé much intrigued by a specimen of Arenga caudata during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé observing an Arenga caudata sample, Khonglor, Laos, Janvier 2012

    Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé observing an Arenga caudata sample, Khonglor, Laos, Janvier 2012

  • Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé collecting botanical samples, Khonglor, Hinboun, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé collecting botanical samples, Khonglor, Hinboun, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Francis Hallé and Patrick Blanc in forest, Phou Hin Poun, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Francis Hallé and Patrick Blanc in forest, Phou Hin Poun, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt, Dany Cleyet Marrel and Patrick Blanc discussing about the locality for the future Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt, Dany Cleyet Marrel and Patrick Blanc discussing about the locality for the future Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt, Dany Cleyet Marrel and Patrick Blanc examining a map during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt, Dany Cleyet Marrel and Patrick Blanc examining a map during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc with Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt and Dany Cleyet Marrel preparing the Radeau des Cimes, Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc with Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt and Dany Cleyet Marrel preparing the Radeau des Cimes, Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Francis Hallé and Patrick Blanc at night, preparing herbarium specimen, Hinboun, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Francis Hallé and Patrick Blanc at night, preparing herbarium specimen, Hinboun, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Francis Hallé and Patrick Blanc at night, preparing herbarium specimen, Phou Hin Poun, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Francis Hallé and Patrick Blanc at night, preparing herbarium specimen, Phou Hin Poun, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé setting herbarium specimens during the preparation of the Radeau des Cimes, Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé setting herbarium specimens during the preparation of the Radeau des Cimes, Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé discussing while setting herbarium specimens during the preparation of the Radeau des Cimes, Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc and Francis Hallé discussing while setting herbarium specimens during the preparation of the Radeau des Cimes, Canopy Raft expedition, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc discussing with Francis Hallé and Gilles Ebersolt about the access to the karst forest plants during the Canopy raft, radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc discussing with Francis Hallé and Gilles Ebersolt about the access to the karst forest plants during the Canopy raft, radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc discussing with Francis Hallé and Gilles Ebersolt about the access to the karst forest during the Canopy raft, radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc discussing with Francis Hallé and Gilles Ebersolt about the access to the karst forest during the Canopy raft, radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc observing the growth habits of mature tree crowns during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc observing the growth habits of mature tree crowns during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • Patrick Blanc climbing in a tree to observe the growth habits of mature tree crowns during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

    Patrick Blanc climbing in a tree to observe the growth habits of mature tree crowns during the Canopy Raft, Radeau des Cimes expedition preparation, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos, Jan. 2012

  • 2011
  • Patrick Blanc and the root system of Ficus religiosa, Ho Chi Minh Ville, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

    Patrick Blanc and the root system of Ficus religiosa, Ho Chi Minh Ville, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

  • Patrick Blanc at Dambri Falls, Dalat, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

    Patrick Blanc at Dambri Falls, Dalat, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

  • Patrick Blanc photographying saxicolous plants, Dambri Falls, Dalat, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

    Patrick Blanc photographying saxicolous plants, Dambri Falls, Dalat, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

  • Pascal Heni and Patrick Blanc on the Mekong river delta, Can Tho, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

    Pascal Heni and Patrick Blanc on the Mekong river delta, Can Tho, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

  • Pascal Heni and Patrick Blanc in love on the Mekong river delta, Can Tho, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

    Pascal Heni and Patrick Blanc in love on the Mekong river delta, Can Tho, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni, Nha trang, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni, Nha trang, Vietnam, Dec. 2011

  • Patrick Blanc resting along the trunk of the arborescent Bougainvillea glabra, Curitiba, Brazil, Nov. 2011

    Patrick Blanc resting along the trunk of the arborescent Bougainvillea glabra, Curitiba, Brazil, Nov. 2011

  • Patrick Blanc, Lounge Qantas, Sydney, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc, Lounge Qantas, Sydney, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc, Yallingup, Western Australia, Nov. 2011

    Patrick Blanc, Yallingup, Western Australia, Nov. 2011

  • Patrick Blanc standing between Anigozanthos manglesii and Xanthorrhoea preissii, scrubland around Perth, Western Australia, Nov. 2011

    Patrick Blanc standing between Anigozanthos manglesii and Xanthorrhoea preissii, scrubland around Perth, Western Australia, Nov. 2011

  • Patrick Blanc looking at a Solanum of the Solanum laciniatum alliance, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc looking at a Solanum of the Solanum laciniatum alliance, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc in the canopy of of Red Tingles, Eucalyptus jacksonii, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc in the canopy of of Red Tingles, Eucalyptus jacksonii, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc on the canopy walkway among Red Tingles crowns, Eucalyptus jacksonii, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc on the canopy walkway among Red Tingles crowns, Eucalyptus jacksonii, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the hollow trunk of an Eucalyptus jacksonii, Walpole, Australiia, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc looking at the hollow trunk of an Eucalyptus jacksonii, Walpole, Australiia, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc standing against red tingle, Eucalyptus jacksonii, Valley of the Giants, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc standing against red tingle, Eucalyptus jacksonii, Valley of the Giants, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc and Callistemon glaucus, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc and Callistemon glaucus, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc with Callistemon glaucus, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

    Patrick Blanc with Callistemon glaucus, Walpole, Western Australia, Nov 2011

  • Patrick Blanc, Alnany, Western Australia, Nov. 2011

    Patrick Blanc, Alnany, Western Australia, Nov. 2011
