Sauf mention spéciale, tous les portraits de Patrick Blanc depuis 1985 ont été réalisés par Pascal Héni et leur utilisation doit donc être accompagnée de la mention "Copyright Pascal Héni".
  • 2008
  • Patrick Blanc among Pandanus leaves, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, Oct. 2008

    Patrick Blanc among Pandanus leaves, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, Oct. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc ready to be swallowed, Tiger Balm Garden, Singapore, Oct. 2008

    Patrick Blanc ready to be swallowed, Tiger Balm Garden, Singapore, Oct. 2008

  • Pascal heni and Patrick Blanc at the Raffles hotel, Singapore, Oct. 2008

    Pascal heni and Patrick Blanc at the Raffles hotel, Singapore, Oct. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc portrayed in front of Caixa Forum, Madrid, Sept 2008

    Patrick Blanc portrayed in front of Caixa Forum, Madrid, Sept 2008

  • Patrick Blanc, Palma de Majorque, Baleares, Spain, Sept. 2008

    Patrick Blanc, Palma de Majorque, Baleares, Spain, Sept. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc under Capparis spinosa, Palma de Majorque, Baléares, Spain, Sept. 2008

    Patrick Blanc under Capparis spinosa, Palma de Majorque, Baléares, Spain, Sept. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc hanging Gardenia jasminoides in Roppongi, Tokyo, Aug. 2008

    Patrick Blanc hanging Gardenia jasminoides in Roppongi, Tokyo, Aug. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc behind a huge Boehmeria biloba, Shikoku, Japan, Aug 2008

    Patrick Blanc behind a huge Boehmeria biloba, Shikoku, Japan, Aug 2008

  • Patrick Blanc lying among plants growing in the tarmac cracks, Shikoku, Japan, Aug 2008

    Patrick Blanc lying among plants growing in the tarmac cracks, Shikoku, Japan, Aug 2008

  • Patrick Blanc and Boehmeria biloba covering a stone wall, Izu Peninsula, Japan, June 2008

    Patrick Blanc and Boehmeria biloba covering a stone wall, Izu Peninsula, Japan, June 2008

  • Patrick Blanc partly hidden by Boehmeria spicata, a form with beautiful diamond shaped leaves, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

    Patrick Blanc partly hidden by Boehmeria spicata, a form with beautiful diamond shaped leaves, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

  • Patrick Blanc in front of a stone wall naturally covered by Conandron ramondioides, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

    Patrick Blanc in front of a stone wall naturally covered by Conandron ramondioides, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

  • Patrick Blanc in front of a stone wall covered by Conandron ramondioides, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

    Patrick Blanc in front of a stone wall covered by Conandron ramondioides, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

  • Patrick Blanc and a flowering Weigela coraeensis, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

    Patrick Blanc and a flowering Weigela coraeensis, Hakone, Japan, June 2008

  • Patrick Blanc at home, May 2008, photo Véronique Lalot

    Patrick Blanc at home, May 2008, photo Véronique Lalot

  • Patrick Blanc and a tree frog, April 2008

    Patrick Blanc and a tree frog, April 2008

  • Patrick Blanc en sous-bois, Andaman, Mars 2008

    Patrick Blanc en sous-bois, Andaman, Mars 2008

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni aka Pascal of Bollywood cartooned by Georges Wolinski, Bombay, India, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni aka Pascal of Bollywood cartooned by Georges Wolinski, Bombay, India, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc walking in the mangrove, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc walking in the mangrove, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc on a motorbike, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc on a motorbike, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc in forest understory, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc in forest understory, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc on a boat, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc on a boat, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc in a Licuala population, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc in a Licuala population, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc drinking a beer, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc drinking a beer, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc at dusk in forest understory, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc at dusk in forest understory, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc and Nypa fruticans palms, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc and Nypa fruticans palms, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc among mangrove dead trees, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc among mangrove dead trees, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc among Ficus roots, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc among Ficus roots, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc along the beach among trees blown out during last November cyclone, Andaman, March 2008

    Patrick Blanc along the beach among trees blown out during last November cyclone, Andaman, March 2008

  • Patrick Blanc lying on the snow, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc lying on the snow, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc behind Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Hawaii, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc behind Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Hawaii, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc observing Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Hawaii, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc observing Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Hawaii, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc and Argyroxiphium sandwicense Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc and Argyroxiphium sandwicense Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc et Sadleria cyatheoides, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc et Sadleria cyatheoides, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc sous Cibotium dans Volcano NP - Hawai'i - Jan 08

    Patrick Blanc sous Cibotium dans Volcano NP - Hawai'i - Jan 08

  • Patrick Blanc and Cibotium glaucum, portrait,Kaua'i, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc and Cibotium glaucum, portrait,Kaua'i, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc dans grotte Napali - Hawai'i Jan 08

    Patrick Blanc dans grotte Napali - Hawai'i Jan 08

  • Patrick Blanc and Cibotium glaucum, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc and Cibotium glaucum, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc lying in the snow at the summit of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc lying in the snow at the summit of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

  • Patrick Blanc at the base of a clump of Alpinia boia from Fiji, the tallest ginger in the world, naturalised in Hawai'i, Jan. 2008

    Patrick Blanc at the base of a clump of Alpinia boia from Fiji, the tallest ginger in the world, naturalised in Hawai'i, Jan. 2008
