Sonerila moluccana (syn. S. begoniiifolia), strongly asymmetric green iridescent leaves, Penang Hill, Malaysia
Sonerila moluccana (syn. S. begoniiifolia), long transparent hairs acting like optic fibers concentrating light and increasing chlorophyll at the bulk base, Penang Hill, Malaysia
Pentaphragma begoniaefolium on vertical earth bank, strongly asymmetric leaves, Bukit Panchor, Penang, Malaysia
Pentaphragma begoniaefolium, glossy leaf surface, Penang, Malaysia
Begonia weigallii, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Alocasia cf. ridleyi, lower abaxial leaf surface with red ringed glands in the main veins axils, Penrissen range, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Alocasia cf. ridleyi, lower abaxial leaf surface with red strikes along the petiole and midrib and red glands in the main veins axils, Penrissen range, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Alocasia cf. ridleyi, lower abaxial leaf surface with red glands in the main veins axils, Penrissen range, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Alocasia cf. ridleyi, lower abaxial leaf surface with red glands in the main veins axils, Penrissen, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Plocoglottis javanica, densely yellow spotted leaves creating a disrupting visual effect, maybe a protection against herbivores, Gunung Mulu NP, Sarawak, Borneo_
Plocoglottis javanica, a densely yellow spotted individual, Gunung Mulu NP, Sarawak, Borneo
Nephelaphyllum pulchrum, beige brown spotted leaves cryptic on forest floor, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Nephelaphyllum pulchrum, flowering individual, leaves cryptic among dead litter leaves, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Nephelaphyllum pulchrum, beige brown spotted leaves cryptic among dead litter leaves on forest floor, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Nephelaphyllum pulchrum, beige brown spotted leaves cryptic among dead litter leaves, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Nephelaphyllum pulchrum, cryptic leaf and flowers, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Nephelaphyllum pulchrum, flowers, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Sonerila integrifolia, a form with irregular white refractive blotches, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia
Sonerila pulchella, silver striped form, maybe an aposematic or repulsive color or a visual disruptive perception for herbivores, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Sonerila pulchella, refractive silver striped form along the main veins, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Sonerila pulchella, blackish leaves form, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Sonerila pulchella, almost blackish leaves form, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Elatostema sp., blackish leaves, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah
Elatostema sp., almost blackish, shiny leaves, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah
Argostemma hookeri, blackish leaved form totally cryptic on forest floor except the bright white flowers, Selangor, Malaysia
Argostemma hookeri, blackish leaved form and flowers, Selangor, Malaysia
Argostemma hookeri, blackish leaved form, flower buds and flower at anthesis, Selangor, Malaysia
Argostemma hookeri, blackish leaved form, flower buds, Selangor, Malaysia
Argostemma hookeri, peduncles, bracts,calyx, corolla, staminal column and excerted stigma, Selangor, Malaysia
Staurogyne merguensis, a dark brown, almost black form appressed on a vertical earth bank, base of Gunung Machinchang, Langkawi, Malaysia
Staurogyne merguensis, a form with greyish patches between the main leaf veins, appressed on a vertical earth bank, base of Gunung Machinchang, Langkawi, Malaysia
Debregeasia squamata, Ba Na Hills, Da Nang, Vietnam
Debregeasia squamata, long, soft, succulent, not stinging hairs along the stem and petioles, Ba Na Hills, Da Nang, Vietnam
Angiopteris fokiensis, rachis covered by cucullate emergences , Bach Ma NP, 500 m asl, Hue, Vietnam
Angiopteris fokiensis, frond with cucullate emergences along the zigzaging rachis, Bach Ma NP, 500 m asl, Hue, Vietnam
Angiopteris fokiensis, zigzaging rachis covered by cucullate emergences , Bach Ma NP, 500 m asl, Hue, Vietnam
Angiopteris fokiensis, cucullate emergences along the zigzaging rachis, Bach Ma NP, 500 m asl, Hue, Vietnam
Schefflera bipalmatifolia, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Schefflera bipalmatifolia in forest understory, 1500 m asl, Mt Kinabalu, Borneo
Schefflera bipalmatifolia, one multipartite compound leaf, Mt Kinabalu, Borneo