Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Rhaphidophora korthalsii, adult phase with pinnatifid leaves and inflorescences, Bach Ma NP, 500 m asl, Hue, Vietnam

    Rhaphidophora korthalsii, adult phase with pinnatifid leaves and inflorescences, Bach Ma NP, 500 m asl, Hue, Vietnam

  • Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Kinboshi', blotch design interrupted along the main vein during early leaf development, just like a skew wallpaper

    Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Kinboshi', blotch design interrupted along the main vein during early leaf development, just like a skew wallpaper

  • Dracaena cantleyi, leaf blotches, base of Gunung Raya, Langkawi, Malaysia

    Dracaena cantleyi, leaf blotches, base of Gunung Raya, Langkawi, Malaysia

  • Pinanga maculata, young blotched and thus cryptic individual, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

    Pinanga maculata, young blotched and thus cryptic individual, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

  • Pinanga maculata, prominently blotched young stage in forest understory, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

    Pinanga maculata, prominently blotched young stage in forest understory, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

  • Pinanga maculata, heavily blotched young stage in forest understory, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

    Pinanga maculata, heavily blotched young stage in forest understory, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

  • Licuala mattanensis 'Mapu', naturally variegated leaves, Botanic Gardens, Singapore

    Licuala mattanensis 'Mapu', naturally variegated leaves, Botanic Gardens, Singapore

  • Elatostema sp. on mossy rock, silver patch covering the central area of the leaf blade, leaving just a peripheric green edge, Camba, Maros, South Sulawesi

    Elatostema sp. on mossy rock, silver patch covering the central area of the leaf blade, leaving just a peripheric green edge, Camba, Maros, South Sulawesi

  • Elatostema sp. population on limestone rocks, falcate strongly asymmetric leaves quite similar to species of the genus Sonerila,  Bantimurung, South Sulawesi

    Elatostema sp. population on limestone rocks, falcate strongly asymmetric leaves quite similar to species of the genus Sonerila, Bantimurung, South Sulawesi

  • Elatostema sp. on limestone rocks, falcate strongly asymmetric leaves quite similar to species of the genus Sonerila,  Bantimurung, South Sulawesi

    Elatostema sp. on limestone rocks, falcate strongly asymmetric leaves quite similar to species of the genus Sonerila, Bantimurung, South Sulawesi

  • Scindapsus pictus, a big leaved densely spotted form, Camba, Maros, South Sulawesi

    Scindapsus pictus, a big leaved densely spotted form, Camba, Maros, South Sulawesi

  • Solanum trizygum, leaves and axillary inflorescences, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

    Solanum trizygum, leaves and axillary inflorescences, Mirador Rey Tepepul, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

  • Solanum mite in forest understory, Junin, Peru

    Solanum mite in forest understory, Junin, Peru

  • Solanum uleanum, purple blackish form

    Solanum uleanum, purple blackish form

  • Ipomoea heterodoxa, brown somewhat pinnate leaf in forest understory, Las Lagunas, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

    Ipomoea heterodoxa, brown somewhat pinnate leaf in forest understory, Las Lagunas, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

  • Ipomoea crinicalyx, perfect cordate leaves, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

    Ipomoea crinicalyx, perfect cordate leaves, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

  • Ipomoea crinicalyx, perfectly shaped cordate leaf, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

    Ipomoea crinicalyx, perfectly shaped cordate leaf, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

  • Ipomoea crinicalyx, perfectly shaped cordate leaves, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

    Ipomoea crinicalyx, perfectly shaped cordate leaves, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

  • Monstera dubia, adult phase climbing along tree trunk, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

    Monstera dubia, adult phase climbing along tree trunk, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

  • Monstera dubia, pinnatifid leaves of the adult phase, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

    Monstera dubia, pinnatifid leaves of the adult phase, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

  • Monstera dubia, pinnatifid and perforated leaves of the adult phase, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

    Monstera dubia, pinnatifid and perforated leaves of the adult phase, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

  • Monstera dubia, individual with asymmetric half pinnatifid leaves of the adult phase, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

    Monstera dubia, individual with asymmetric half pinnatifid leaves of the adult phase, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

  • Monstera dubia, juvenile phase with appressed shingle leaves and transition to adult phase with detached leaves, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

    Monstera dubia, juvenile phase with appressed shingle leaves and transition to adult phase with detached leaves, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

  • Ficus cf. villosa, a form with long erect transparent hairs, Karawari, East Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Ficus cf. villosa, a form with long erect transparent hairs, Karawari, East Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Ficus villosa, erect multicellular transparent hairs, Karawari, East Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Ficus villosa, erect multicellular transparent hairs, Karawari, East Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Astronidium miraculum-dei at forest edge, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum-dei at forest edge, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum-dei, living and decaying leaves, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum-dei, living and decaying leaves, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum dei, orthotropic isophyllous stem with pseudostipular outgrowths at petiole bases, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum dei, orthotropic isophyllous stem with pseudostipular outgrowths at petiole bases, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum dei, young red leaves with prominent pseudostipular outgrowths at petiole base, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum dei, young red leaves with prominent pseudostipular outgrowths at petiole base, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum-dei, young red anthocyanic leaves with prominent pseudostipular outgrowths at petiole base, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum-dei, young red anthocyanic leaves with prominent pseudostipular outgrowths at petiole base, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum dei, pseudostipular or pseudoligular parallel nerved outgrowths on each side of the lower half of the petiole, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum dei, pseudostipular or pseudoligular parallel nerved outgrowths on each side of the lower half of the petiole, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum dei, pseudostipular or pseudoligular parallel nerved leafy outgrowths, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum dei, pseudostipular or pseudoligular parallel nerved leafy outgrowths, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum dei, setose bristly structures emerging from the pseudostipular or pseudoligular leafy structures at the base of the petioles, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum dei, setose bristly structures emerging from the pseudostipular or pseudoligular leafy structures at the base of the petioles, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Astronidium miraculum-dei, setose bristly structures emerging from the pseudostipular or pseudoligular leafy structures, maybe involved in nutrients absoption like aerial roots, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

    Astronidium miraculum-dei, setose bristly structures emerging from the pseudostipular or pseudoligular leafy structures, maybe involved in nutrients absoption like aerial roots, Imbu Rano, Kolombangara, Solomon Islands

  • Hoffmannia ghiesbreghtii, cryptic brown anthocyanic leaves with silvery veins, Cubilhuitz, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

    Hoffmannia ghiesbreghtii, cryptic brown anthocyanic leaves with silvery veins, Cubilhuitz, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

  • Passiflora xiikzodz, Las Lagunas, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

    Passiflora xiikzodz, Las Lagunas, Flores, Peten, Guatemala

  • Passiflora xiikzodz with its glands inserted in the upper part of the petiole, Tikal, Peten, Guatemala

    Passiflora xiikzodz with its glands inserted in the upper part of the petiole, Tikal, Peten, Guatemala

  • Passiflora xiikzodz, nectar secreted by the glands inserted in the upper part of the petiole, Tikal, Peten, Guatemala

    Passiflora xiikzodz, nectar secreted by the glands inserted in the upper part of the petiole, Tikal, Peten, Guatemala

  • Passiflora xiikzodz, nectar droplets secreted by the glands inserted in the upper part of the petiole, Tikal, Peten, Guatemala

    Passiflora xiikzodz, nectar droplets secreted by the glands inserted in the upper part of the petiole, Tikal, Peten, Guatemala

  • Passiflora sexocellata with its glands inserted in the lower proximal part of the petiole, Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

    Passiflora sexocellata with its glands inserted in the lower proximal part of the petiole, Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala
