Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Polyalthia insignis, plagiotropic branch with very old leaves totally covered by epiphyllous Algae and Bryophytes, ending in a flower, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.

    Polyalthia insignis, plagiotropic branch with very old leaves totally covered by epiphyllous Algae and Bryophytes, ending in a flower, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.

  • Polyalthia insignis, leafy branch with flower and fruit, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.

    Polyalthia insignis, leafy branch with flower and fruit, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.

  • Polyalthia insignis, hanging flower, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

    Polyalthia insignis, hanging flower, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

  • Polyalthia insignis, mericarps, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.

    Polyalthia insignis, mericarps, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.

  • Argostemma hameliifolium on earth bank just above a small forest stream, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma hameliifolium on earth bank just above a small forest stream, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma hameliifolium, erect orthotropous leafy stem with opposite equal leaves and terminal inflorescence, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma hameliifolium, erect orthotropous leafy stem with opposite equal leaves and terminal inflorescence, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma hameliifolium, inflorescence, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma hameliifolium, inflorescence, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma hameliifolium, flowers at anthesis with recurved slightly hairy recurved lobes of the corolla and characteristic cone of stamens, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma hameliifolium, flowers at anthesis with recurved slightly hairy recurved lobes of the corolla and characteristic cone of stamens, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma hameliifolium, recurved hairy corolla lobes, anther cone and white globular stigma, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma hameliifolium, recurved hairy corolla lobes, anther cone and white globular stigma, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma hameliifolium, maturing capsules with spreading green sepals, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma hameliifolium, maturing capsules with spreading green sepals, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile, tiny leafy stems covering a permanently wet mossy rock just above a forest stream, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile, tiny leafy stems covering a permanently wet mossy rock just above a forest stream, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile flowering on a permanently wet seeping vertical rock face, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile flowering on a permanently wet seeping vertical rock face, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile, bell shaped downward hanging corolla, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile, bell shaped downward hanging corolla, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile, center of the corolla, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile, center of the corolla, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile, two separate corollas just above the anisophyllous plagiotropic stem, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile, two separate corollas just above the anisophyllous plagiotropic stem, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile, horizontally standing young maturing capsules and erect cup shaped mature capsules, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile, horizontally standing young maturing capsules and erect cup shaped mature capsules, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile, one erect mature capsule and two younger horizontal maturing capsules, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile, one erect mature capsule and two younger horizontal maturing capsules, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Argostemma gracile, one erect cup shaped mature capsule ready for rain splash dispersal of the dust seeds and a small horizontal young maturing capsule on the left, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Argostemma gracile, one erect cup shaped mature capsule ready for rain splash dispersal of the dust seeds and a small horizontal young maturing capsule on the left, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Patrick Blanc showing a mature fleshy capsule of Argostemma gracile with the tiny blackish seeds ready to be expulsed by rain drops, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo, July 2022

    Patrick Blanc showing a mature fleshy capsule of Argostemma gracile with the tiny blackish seeds ready to be expulsed by rain drops, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo, July 2022

  • Elatostema lineare on earth bank, Mt Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema lineare on earth bank, Mt Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema lineare, flowering stem, Mount Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema lineare, flowering stem, Mount Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema lineare on vertical earth bank, Mount Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema lineare on vertical earth bank, Mount Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema lineare, leaf with pinnate veins and axillary inflorescence, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema lineare, leaf with pinnate veins and axillary inflorescence, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema lineare, inflorescence, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema lineare, inflorescence, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema integrifolium stems hanging along earth bank, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema integrifolium stems hanging along earth bank, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema integrifolium on earth bank, just after rain, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema integrifolium on earth bank, just after rain, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema integrifolium,  Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema integrifolium, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

  • Elatostema integrifolium, asymmetric venation, parallel on the smaller side and pinnate on the bigger side of the falcate leaf, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

    Elatostema integrifolium, asymmetric venation, parallel on the smaller side and pinnate on the bigger side of the falcate leaf, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia javanica, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia javanica, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia javanica, detached lateral stems, each with a group of three maturing infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia javanica, detached lateral stems, each with a group of three maturing infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia javanica, maturing terminal infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia javanica, maturing terminal infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia javanica, lateral detached stem ending in three terminal maturing infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia javanica, lateral detached stem ending in three terminal maturing infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia javanica, female individual with maturing infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia javanica, female individual with maturing infructescences, Mount Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia rigidifolia, young stage climbing along a small tree trunk in forest understory, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia rigidifolia, young stage climbing along a small tree trunk in forest understory, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia rigidifolia, leaf pink striate sheathing base and bluish green blade with soft spines at the base, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia rigidifolia, leaf pink striate sheathing base and bluish green blade with soft spines at the base, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia rigidifolia, pink striate sheath and blade with soft spines at the base, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia rigidifolia, pink striate sheath and blade with soft spines at the base, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia rigidifolia, adult stage around the host tree trunk with many lateral detached stems, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia rigidifolia, adult stage around the host tree trunk with many lateral detached stems, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia rigidifolia, adult stage with many lateral detached stems in lower canopy, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia rigidifolia, adult stage with many lateral detached stems in lower canopy, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia rigidifolia, adult stage with many lateral detached stems, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia rigidifolia, adult stage with many lateral detached stems, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

  • Freycinetia rigidifolia, lateral fertile stem in lower canopy, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo

    Freycinetia rigidifolia, lateral fertile stem in lower canopy, Deramakot FR, Sabah, Borneo
