Alocasia longiloba, a faintly silver marked individual, Sepilok FR, Sabah, Borneo
Alocasia longiloba in swampy forest understory, Sukau, Kinabatangan, Sabah, Borneo
Alocasia longiloba, a form with plain green bullate peltate leaves in swampy forest understory, Sukau, Kinabatangan, Sabah, Borneo
Alocasia macrorrhizos, Pulau Gaya, Sabah, Borneo
Alocasia macrorrhizos, inflorescence, Pulau Gaya, Sabah, Borneo
Alocasia macrorrhizos, red infructescence axis, the berries already picked by some animals, Pulau Gaya, Sabah, Borneo
Patrick Blanc looking at the monocaulous young stage of Mangifera subsessilifolia, somewhat similar to Semecarpus lineatus, Bukit Timah NR, Singapore, Aug. 2016
Patrick Blanc between two young Semecarpus lineatus in forest understory, each one exhibiting the characteristic succession of linear leaf whorls, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Patrick Blanc observing a young monocaulous Semecarpus lineatus in forest understory, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo, July 2022
Patrick Blanc and a young Semecarpus lineatus in forest understory, exhibiting the characteristic succession of linear leaf whorls, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, seedling in forest understory, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, good regeneration in forest understory with young individuals at different stages, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, population of young plants in forest understory, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, young plant exhibiting succession of whorled leaves in forest understory, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, spiny old trunk, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, succession of whorled leaves along the monocaulous stem, old dry inflorescence just below the last relaying shoot, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, successive tiers of whorled leaves, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, successive tiers of whorled leaves quite reminiscent of carboniferous Annularia or Sphenophyllum, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, the last pseudo verticil, all the young leaves at the same stage of growth, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, succession of two discs of whorled leaves, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, whorl of linear leaves and naked stem just below and just above the leal whorl, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, swollen geniculate petiolar base of each leaf of the pseudo verticil, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, leaf venation, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus emerging from a steep earth bank just above a forest stream, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus just above a forest stream, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus emerging from the forest edge, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus emerging from forest edge, multiple terminal paniculate inflorescences, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, terminal much branched inflorescence, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, much branched paniculate inflorescence, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, part of paniculate inflorescence, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Semecarpus lineatus, small flowers with five petals, way to Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo
Patrick Blanc looking at the bright pink flowers of the cauliflorous Goniothalamus roseus, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo, July 2022
Goniothalamus roseus, a cauliflorous treelet with bright pink hanging flowers, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Goniothalamus roseus, bright pink cauliflorous flowers, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Goniothalamus roseus, bright pink outer three petals in the hanging flower, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Goniothalamus roseus, three large hanging bright pink outer petals and three small yellowish inner petals, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Goniothalamus roseus, a form with light pink petals and bright red sepals, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Goniothalamus roseus as a cauliflorous treelet, a form with light pink flowers, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Goniothalamus roseus, a 4 m tall little branched treelet with bright red mericarps of one infructescence, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Goniothalamus roseus, bright red mericarps issued from one single flower, Mt Kinabalu, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo