Elatostema cf. serra, bullate, hairy basally lobulate leaves and axillary inflorescences, Tari, 2800 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema cf. serra, dentate, bullate, hairy basally lobulate leaves and axillary inflorescences, Tari, 2800 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema cf serra, Rondon Ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema integrifolium, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema integrifolium, leaves, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema integrifolium, leaf venation and entire leaf margin, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema cf. macrophyllum in the spray of a waterfall, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua new Guinea
Elatostema cf. macrophyllum, a form with strongly bullata leaves, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema cf. macrophyllum, leaf surface with pyramidal mounds increasing at least by two the photosynthetic tissues and allowing multidirectional light captation, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema cf. macrophyllum, pyramidal mounds at leaf surface increasing at least by two the photosynthetic tissues and allowing multidirectional light captation, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Procris pedunculata, branched partly woody climber bearing cauliflorous male inflorescence, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Procris pedunculata, plagiotropic leafy stems and cauliflorous branched white male inflorescence, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Procris pedunculata, cauliflorous hanging male inflorescence, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Procris pedunculata, hanging male inflorescence exhibiting pseudo dichotomous branching, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Procris pedunculata, male inflorescence, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Procris pedunculata, male flowers, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus latifolius in montane forest understory, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus latifolius, leaves and pink congested inflorescences, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus latifolius, somewhat bullate leaves and pink congested inflorescences, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus kerewensis and Pilea cuneata in montane forest understory, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus kerewensis, bullate leaves and congested inflorescences, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus kerewensis in montane forest understory, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus kerewensis, bullate hairy leaves, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Cypholophus kerewensis, young leaves, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Argostemma bryophilum on mossy rock above a forest stream, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Argostemma bryophilum flowering on mossy rock, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Patrick Blanc showing the figs of Ficus sublimbata along the flagelliform leafless shoots creeping on forest floor, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus sublimbata, flagelliform fig bearing leafless shoots issued from the lower part of the quite narrow tree trunk, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus sublimbata, flagelliform fig bearing leafless shoots creeping on forest floor, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus sublimbata, flagelliferous stems creeping on forest floor and producing the figs, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus sublimbata, flagelliform fig bearing shoots creeping on forest floor, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus sublimbata, flagelliform fig bearing leafless shoots just above a forest stream, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus sublimbata, flagelliform fig bearing leafless shoots, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus sublimbata, axillary figs subtended by brown bracts, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Saurauia naumannii, erect few branched shrub in forest understory, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Saurauia naumannii, erect few branched shrub with hanging capitate inflorescences, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Saurauia naumannii, erect few branched shrub with hanging capitate densely bracteate inflorescences, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Saurauia naumannii, leaves and hanging capitate inflorescences with yellowish bracts and pink flowers, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Saurauia naumannii, hanging capitate densely bracteate inflorescences, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Saurauia naumannii, hanging capitate inflorescences with pale yellowish brancts and pink flowers, Rondon ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea