Bauhinia pottsii with white bracteal leaves, Khura Buri, Thailand
Bauhinia pottsii, refractive white bracteal leaves close-up, Khura Buri, Thailand
Bauhinia pottsii, refractive white bracteal leaves at stem apex, Khura Buri, Thailand
Bauhinia pottsii, white bracteal leaves and vermillion flower, Khura Buri, Thailand
Bauhinia pottsii, erect basal sprouting stems with silvery white bracteal leaves and orange flowers, Takua Pa, Phang Nga, Thailand
Bauhinia pottsii with silvery white bracteal leaves and orange flowers, Takua Pa, Phang Nga, Thailand
Jacquemontia tomentella with bright silvery refringent leaves surrounding pink flowered inflorescences, just as in some Actinidia and Paederia species, Padawan, Kuching, Borneo
Jacquemontia tomentella with bright silvery refringent leaves surrounding pink flowered inflorescences, Padawan, Kuching, Borneo
Actinidia polygama with white leaves beneath the inflorescence, Izu peninsula, Japan
Mallotus apelta, silvery white refractive bracteal leaves surrounding the flower spike, Dayang Shan, Suzou, China
Maerua edulis with its bright glaucous refringent leaves, Liwonde NP, Malawi
Maerua edulis, refringent glaucous leaves and maturing fruits, Liwonde NP, Malawi
Philodendron saxicola with its glaucous leaves reducing the impact of sunlight in its fully exposed rocky habitat, Chapada Diamantina, Brésil
Philodendron saxicola, the glaucous refringent leaves reduce the impact of sunlight in its fully exposed rocky habitat, Chapada Diamantina, Brésil
Philodendron saxicola, its glaucous refringent leaves reduce the impact of sunlight, Chapada Diamantina, Brazill
Philodendron saxicola and Begonia grisea, the glaucous refringent vertical leaves reduce the impact of sunlight, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil
Begonia grisea, vertical glaucous hairy leaf blades reducing the full sun impact, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil
Codonoboea cf. pyroliflora, population, Lata Tembakah, Trengganu, Malaysia
Codonoboea cf. pyroliflora, with silvery appressed hairs in forest understory, Lata Tembakah, Trengganu, Malaysia
Codonoboea cf. pyroliflora, silvery appressed hairs close-up, Lata Tembakah, Trengganu, Malaysia
Piper hongkongense, monopodial creeping stem with hairy round leaves and detached horizontal sympodial floriferous lateral stems wth ovate hairless leaves, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong
Piper hongkongense, monopodial creeping stem fixed by adentitious roots, with hairy round leaves, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong
Piper hongkongense, monopodial hairy creeping stem fixed by adentitious roots, with round leaves, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong
Ridleyandra quercifolia, incised and undulate leaf margins, Bukit Larut, Perak, Malaysia
Globba pumila, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Globba pumila, hairy and pleated leaves, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Geogenanthus poeppigii, some rosetted erect stems lying just above leaf litter, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru
Geogenanthus poeppigii, population on forest floor, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru
Geogenanthus poeppigii, bullate leaves enhancing capture of multidirectional light in deep shade, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru
Geogenanthus poeppigii, bullate leaves enhancing light capture in deep shade, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru
Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis, strongly bullate leaves enhancing light capture in deep shade and reducing tear impact of water during flash floods,Takua Pa, Phang Nga, Thailand
Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis, detail of the bullate leaves,Takua Pa, Phang Nga, Thailand, Dec 2015
Crinum natans, a rheophyte with bullate and undulate leaves enhancing light capture and reducing the tearing of leaves, Kribi, Cameroun
Piper sp., bullate leaves enhancing diffuse light capture in deep shade, Manu NP, Peru
Anthurium clidemioides climbing along a tree trunk, La Selva, Costa Rica
Anthurium clidemioides, bullate leaves enhancing light capture in deep shade, La Selva, Costa Rica
Piper sp., bullate leaves increasing photosynthetic absorbing leaf surface and allowing captation of multi directional diffuse light in forest understory, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Pterisanthes pulchra with bullate leaves enhancing global light capture in deep shade, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia
Triolena sp., lower surface of the bullate leaf almost increasing twice the leaf surface and allowing captation of multidirectional diffuse light in forest understory, Puyo, Ecuador
Episcia sphalera, hairy bullate leaves, Nouragues, CNRS field station, French Guyana0