Sansevieria sinus-simiorum seedling in dappled shade, exhibiting flat and mottled leaves, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Sansevieria sinus-simiorum, intermediate stage with folded leaves, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Sansevieria sinus-simiorum, population exhibiting transition between juvenile individuals with flat leaves and adult with cylindrical leaves, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Sansevieria sinus-simiorum, adult cylindrical leaf cutting producing young flat leaved juvenile shoots, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Sansevieria kirkii totally cryptic due to the brown and greyish striped leaves in the dappled shade of a tree, Lake Malawi NP
Sansevieria kirkii totally cryptic due to the brown and greyish striped leaves in the dappled shade, Lake Malawi NP
Aloe cameronii, dark brown anthocyanic form in dry forest understory, Lake Malawi NP
Aloe greatheadii population in its native dry forest understory, Walter Sisulu Bot. Gard., Johannesburg
Aloe greatheadii with brown leaves and green spots in its native dry forest understory, Walter Sisulu Bot. Gard., Johannesburg
Aloe greatheadii with brown silver striped leaves in dry forest understory, Walter Sisulu Bot. Gard., Johannesburg
Aloe chabaudii, light brown white spotted form on rocks in dry forest understory, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Aloe chabaudii, plain greyish green form on rocks in dry forest understory, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Aloe chabaudii, greyish brown white spotted form on rocks in dry forest understory, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Selaginella radiata, silver refractive frond adaxial surface, French Guyana
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Silver', Yamaguchi, Japan
Pothos cf. barberianus with silver nerves, Banjaran, Perak, Malaysia
Epipremnum amplissimum in forest understory, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Ridleyandra morganii, mixed population of silver and plain green leaved individuals on a vertical earth bank, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Ridleyandra morganii, silver leaved individual, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Ridleyandra morganii, silver leaved individual, detail of the dentate blade, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Nautilocalyx pictus, upper leaf surface with empty silver light refringent air filled epidermal cells, seen through binocular loupe, CNRS Nouragues field station, French Guyana
Clematis crassifolia, juvenile entire leaves densely silver spotted, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong
Elatostema sp., Ranong, Thailand
Elatostema sp., silver maculate leaves along the median nerve, Ranong, Thailand
Elatostema sp., silver maculate leaves on each side of the median nerve, Ranong, Thailand
Amischotolype gracilis with silver striped leaves, Tioman, Malaysia
Amischotolype gracilis, Tioman, Malaysia
Alocasia cuprea, Piper porphyrophyllum, Selaginella sp and Schismatoglottis sp, Poring, Kinabalu NP, Borneo
Alocasia cuprea in forest understory, Poring, Kinabalu NP, Borneo
Goodyera cf. rostellata - Sumatra
Kaempferia pulchra, Gua Tempurung, Perak, Malaysia
Kaempferia pulchra - Thailande
Peperomia cuprea, Manu NP, 2000 m, Peru
Peperomia cuprea, leaf with silver splash along the midrib, Manu NP, 2000 m, Peru
Piper sp. and Cosmianthemum obtusifolium, with opposite silver nerves and parenchyme design, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Piper sp., silver mottled bullate leaves, nerves and parenchyme pattern opposite to Cosmianthemum obtusifolium, Borneo Highlands, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Piper sp., silver mottled parenchyme pattern between nerves, an opposite structural design to Cosmianthemum obtusifolium with silver design along the main nerves, Borneo Highlands, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Cosmianthemum obtusifolium with silver design along the main nerves, Borneo Highlands, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo
Piper demeraranum, the silver variegation concerns only the leaves produced under 20 cm above the soil, Nouragues, CNRS field station, French Guyana
Psychotria variegata, Nouragues, CNRS field station, French Guyana