Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Miconia impetiolaris var. pandurifolia, auriculate recurved base of leaves creating ant domatia, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru

    Miconia impetiolaris var. pandurifolia, auriculate recurved base of leaves creating ant domatia, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru

  • Miconia impetiolaris var. pandurifolia, auriculate base of young leaves creating ant domatia, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru

    Miconia impetiolaris var. pandurifolia, auriculate base of young leaves creating ant domatia, Inkaterra, Madre de Dios, Peru

  • Patrick Blanc observing the corrugated petiolar ant domatia of the myrmecophilous Tococa spadiciflora, El Amargal, Arusi, Choco, Colombia, Nov. 2016

    Patrick Blanc observing the corrugated petiolar ant domatia of the myrmecophilous Tococa spadiciflora, El Amargal, Arusi, Choco, Colombia, Nov. 2016

  • Tococa spadiciflora, dark brown corrugated ant pouches on the petiole, Arusi, Choco, Colombia

    Tococa spadiciflora, dark brown corrugated ant pouches on the petiole, Arusi, Choco, Colombia

  • Tococa spadiciflora, dark brown corrugated and crumpled ant domatia on the petiole, close up, El Amargal, Arusi, Choco, Colombia

    Tococa spadiciflora, dark brown corrugated and crumpled ant domatia on the petiole, close up, El Amargal, Arusi, Choco, Colombia

  • Maieta cf. poeppigii,  Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil

    Maieta cf. poeppigii, Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil

  • Maieta cf. poeppigii, leaf ant domatia detail, Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil

    Maieta cf. poeppigii, leaf ant domatia detail, Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil

  • Elatostema sp., a myrmecophilous species with big brown corrugated hirsute and persistant stipules creating ant domatia, Timika, West Papua

    Elatostema sp., a myrmecophilous species with big brown corrugated hirsute and persistant stipules creating ant domatia, Timika, West Papua

  • Elatostema sp., a myrmecophilous species, the ants nesting inside the pouch or domatia created by the concave hirsute stipule,  Timika, West Papua

    Elatostema sp., a myrmecophilous species, the ants nesting inside the pouch or domatia created by the concave hirsute stipule, Timika, West Papua

  • Ficus cf. ingens with ant domatia on some branches, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

    Ficus cf. ingens with ant domatia on some branches, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

  • Ficus cf. ingens with stipular ant domatia, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

    Ficus cf. ingens with stipular ant domatia, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

  • Ficus cf. ingens, perfectly shaped stipular ant domatia, maybe due to initial gall activity or aborted fig development, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

    Ficus cf. ingens, perfectly shaped stipular ant domatia, maybe due to initial gall activity or aborted fig development, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

  • Ficus cf. ingens, perfectly shaped stipular ant domatia, maybe due to initial gall activity or aborted fig development, view from above, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

    Ficus cf. ingens, perfectly shaped stipular ant domatia, maybe due to initial gall activity or aborted fig development, view from above, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

  • Ficus cf. ingens, latex exsuding from incision in the perfectly shaped stipular ant domatia, maybe due to initial gall activity or aborted fig development, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

    Ficus cf. ingens, latex exsuding from incision in the perfectly shaped stipular ant domatia, maybe due to initial gall activity or aborted fig development, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

  • Ficus cf. ingens, ant domatia envelope stripped out, revealing two basal glandular outgrowths, maybe vestigial or developing figs, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

    Ficus cf. ingens, ant domatia envelope stripped out, revealing two basal glandular outgrowths, maybe vestigial or developing figs, old bridge over Sanaga river, Edea, Cameroun

  • Barteria fistulosa in forest gap, Edea, Cameroun

    Barteria fistulosa in forest gap, Edea, Cameroun

  • Barteria fistulosa, hollow stems of lateral branches creating ant domatia, Campo, Cameroun

    Barteria fistulosa, hollow stems of lateral branches creating ant domatia, Campo, Cameroun

  • Barteria fistulosa, hollow stems of lateral branch creating ant domatia, Campo, Cameroun

    Barteria fistulosa, hollow stems of lateral branch creating ant domatia, Campo, Cameroun

  • Barteria fistulosa, entrance holes in ant domatia of hollow lateral branches, Campo, Cameroun

    Barteria fistulosa, entrance holes in ant domatia of hollow lateral branches, Campo, Cameroun

  • Barteria fistulosa, circular suberised entrance hole in ant domatia of hollow lateral branches, Campo, Cameroun

    Barteria fistulosa, circular suberised entrance hole in ant domatia of hollow lateral branches, Campo, Cameroun

  • Piper obtusissimum (syn. P. clypeatum), leaves curved and tightly appressed to the trunk bark due to thigmotropism, Taman Negara, Malaysia

    Piper obtusissimum (syn. P. clypeatum), leaves curved and tightly appressed to the trunk bark due to thigmotropism, Taman Negara, Malaysia

  • Piper obtusissimum (syn. P. clypeatum), bullate leaves curved and tightly appressed to the trunk bark due to thigmotropism, Taman Negara, Malaysia

    Piper obtusissimum (syn. P. clypeatum), bullate leaves curved and tightly appressed to the trunk bark due to thigmotropism, Taman Negara, Malaysia

  • Rhaphidophora sp., young leaf clasping the narrow trunk support  due to thigmotropism, Madang, Papua New Guinea

    Rhaphidophora sp., young leaf clasping the narrow trunk support due to thigmotropism, Madang, Papua New Guinea

  • Trichomanes ankersii, fronds tightly appressed to tree trunk due to thigmotropism, Saul, French Guyana

    Trichomanes ankersii, fronds tightly appressed to tree trunk due to thigmotropism, Saul, French Guyana

  • Platycerium wandae, basket fronds tightly clasping the tree trunk due to thigmotropism, Madang, Papua New Guinea

    Platycerium wandae, basket fronds tightly clasping the tree trunk due to thigmotropism, Madang, Papua New Guinea

  • Kaempferia sp. leaves appressed to a vertical limestone rock due to thigmotropism, Kanchanaburi, Thailand

    Kaempferia sp. leaves appressed to a vertical limestone rock due to thigmotropism, Kanchanaburi, Thailand

  • Kaempferia marginata, leaves appressed to the forest floor and tightly recovering each woody fragment due to thigmotropism, Tat Ton NP, Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Kaempferia marginata, leaves appressed to the forest floor and tightly recovering each woody fragment due to thigmotropism, Tat Ton NP, Chaiyaphum, Thailand

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, population among mosses with phyllomorph at different growth stages, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, population among mosses with phyllomorph at different growth stages, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, low epiphytic population, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, low epiphytic population, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, the wide distal part of the partly withering phyllomorph was probably produced during a favorable period, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, the wide distal part of the partly withering phyllomorph was probably produced during a favorable period, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, population on vertical earth bank with partly withering phyllomorphs during the dry season, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, population on vertical earth bank with partly withering phyllomorphs during the dry season, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, abscission layer concerning two phyllomorphs, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, abscission layer concerning two phyllomorphs, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, abscission layer separating the distally withering phyllomorph from the proximal living basal part during the dry season, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, abscission layer separating the distally withering phyllomorph from the proximal living basal part during the dry season, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, abscission layer of the phyllomorph, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, abscission layer of the phyllomorph, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, distally withering phyllomorph during the dry season, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, distally withering phyllomorph during the dry season, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, twisted capsules and dry monocarpic phyllomorph having produced many inflorescences, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, twisted capsules and dry monocarpic phyllomorph having produced many inflorescences, Zomba, Malawi

  • Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, insertion of the old dried inflorescences at the base of the monocarpic phyllomorph, Zomba, Malawi

    Streptocarpus cf. goetzei, insertion of the old dried inflorescences at the base of the monocarpic phyllomorph, Zomba, Malawi

  • Epithema horsfieldii, population on vertical limestone boulder, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java

    Epithema horsfieldii, population on vertical limestone boulder, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java

  • Epithema horsfieldii, leaves of some years old individuals and current year seedlings, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java

    Epithema horsfieldii, leaves of some years old individuals and current year seedlings, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java

  • Epithema horsfieldii population, current rainy season unique leaf of each individual withering and producing a resting new leaf surviving during the dry season, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java

    Epithema horsfieldii population, current rainy season unique leaf of each individual withering and producing a resting new leaf surviving during the dry season, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java
