Piper humistratum with blackish shiny leaves, Nouragues, CNRS field station, French Guyana
Elatostema papillosum, a form with blackish leaves on forest floor, Putao, Kachin, Myanmar
Elatostema papillosum, young shiny brown leaves later turning black in this blackish leaved form, Putao, Kachin, Myanmar
Patrick Blanc and a black leaved form of Piper augustum, Calanoa, Leticia, Colombia, Nov. 2016
Piper augustum, a form with almost black leaves, Calanoa, Letitia, Colombia
Piper augustum, a form retaining black leaves at two meters obove forest floor, Calanoa, Letitia, Colombia
Piper augustum, a form with almost black leaves and prominent nerves, Calanoa, Letitia, Colombia
Piper augustum, close up of a black leaf, Calanoa, Letitia, Colombia
Piper augustum, downward hanging maturing spadix and green undersurface of leaves, Calanoa, Letitia, Colombia
Aspidistra babensis, population with blackish leaves, Ba Be NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2017
Aspidistra babensis, population with its pachyphyllous blackish shiny leaves, Ba Be NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2017
Aspidistra babensis with its pachyphyllous black shiny leaves, Ba Be NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2017
Aspidistra babensis with black shiny leathery leaves, Ba Be NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2017
Begonia cf. erythrogyna, black leaves and snow white dots, Poring, Kinabalu NP, Sabah, Borneo
Begonia blancii, blackish form with slight blue iridescence, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia blancii, black leaved form, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia blancii, dark brown spotted form, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia blancii, light spotted form, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia blancii, blackish, marbled and green individuals growing on the same rock, Palawan, El Nido, mai 2011
Begonia blancii, mixed population of green, mottled, brown and blackish individuals, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia blancii, mottled and anthocyanic underleaf individuals, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Homalomena humilis, population of blackish individuals, vertical earth slope, Maxwell Hill, Malaysia
Homalomena humilis, blackish individuals, vertical earth slope, Maxwell Hill, Malaysia
Amorphophallus sp. with blackish leaves, Hinboun, Laos
Ipomoea sumatrana seedling with brown anthocyanic leaves in forest understory, Khao Yai NP, Thailand
Ardisia cf. odontophylla, population with brwn glossy leaves, Selangor, Malaysia
Ardisia primulifolia - Hong Kong
Alocasia longiloba, dark purple leaf underleaf surface, Tioman, Malaysia
Alocasia longiloba, dark purple underleaf surface with with whitish glands, Tioman, Malaysia
Sonerila griffithii population with brown silver striped leaves on a mossy rock, seen from above, Gunung Ledang, Johore, Malaysia
Sonerila griffithii, tuberous base and red anthocyanic leaf abaxial surface, Gunung Ledang, Johore, Malaysia
Phyllagathis elliptica, red anthocyanic lower leaf surface, Kinabalu NP, 1600 m asl, Sabah, Borneo
Amischotolype tenuis, big transparent epidermal cells, single chlorophyllous cells layer, mesophyll and lower epidermis with anthocyans in vacuoles giving brown leaf colour, Makokou, Gabon
Columnea sanguinea, transparence,Tenorio, Costa Rica
Columnea ericae, as an epiphyte with bright red leaf tips, Calanoa, Leticia, Colombia
Columnea ericae, as an epiphyte just 3 m above forest floor, with bright red leaf tips and pale yellow flowers, Calanoa, Leticia, Colombia
Columnea ericae with bright red leaf tips and pale yellow flowers, Calanoa, Leticia, Colombia
Selaginella intermedia,close up of the brown form, the brown color originating in carotenoid pigments of rhodoxanthin group and not in anthocyans as in Angiosperms, Endau Rompin NP, Malaysia
Selaginella intermedia, brown form, the brown color originating in carotenoid pigments of rhodoxanthin group and not in anthocyans contrary to Angiosperms, Endau Rompin NP, Malaysia
Selaginella intermedia,close up of the brown form, the brown color originating in carotenoid pigments of rhodoxanthin group and not in anthocyans contrary to Angiosperms, Endau Rompin NP, Malaysia