Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Neurocalyx calycinus, last pair of equal opposite leaves, one inflorescence at anthesis and two young developping inflorescences among bracts and stipules, Brahmagiri WS, Karnataka, India

    Neurocalyx calycinus, last pair of equal opposite leaves, one inflorescence at anthesis and two young developping inflorescences among bracts and stipules, Brahmagiri WS, Karnataka, India

  • Neurocalyx calycinus, inflorescence, Brahmagiri WS, Karnataka, India

    Neurocalyx calycinus, inflorescence, Brahmagiri WS, Karnataka, India

  • Neurocalyx calycinus, flowers with yellow staminal beak, narrow thick corolla lobes, wide calyx lobes, ovary and hairy peduncle, Brahmagiri WS, Karnataka, India

    Neurocalyx calycinus, flowers with yellow staminal beak, narrow thick corolla lobes, wide calyx lobes, ovary and hairy peduncle, Brahmagiri WS, Karnataka, India

  • Selaginella strigosa on a rock in a small waterfall partly dry, the leafy stems mostly growing downward, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

    Selaginella strigosa on a rock in a small waterfall partly dry, the leafy stems mostly growing downward, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

  • Selaginella strigosa much branched stems appressed to a rock in a small waterfall partly dry, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

    Selaginella strigosa much branched stems appressed to a rock in a small waterfall partly dry, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

  • Selaginella strigosa, much branched stems with densely arranged tiny leaves, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

    Selaginella strigosa, much branched stems with densely arranged tiny leaves, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

  • Selaginella strigosa, downward growing branched stems appressed to a seeping rock, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

    Selaginella strigosa, downward growing branched stems appressed to a seeping rock, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand

  • Ophiorrhiza peploides on mossy rock near a waterfall, Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

    Ophiorrhiza peploides on mossy rock near a waterfall, Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

  • Ophiorrhiza peploides on its perhumid rocky habitat, Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

    Ophiorrhiza peploides on its perhumid rocky habitat, Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

  • Ophiorrhiza peploides, fleshy bilobed erect capsular fruit,  Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

    Ophiorrhiza peploides, fleshy bilobed erect capsular fruit, Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

  • Ophiorrhiza peploides, flower bud and maturing fleshy capsule, Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

    Ophiorrhiza peploides, flower bud and maturing fleshy capsule, Bouma Nat. Heritage Park, Taveuni, Fiji

  • Patrick Blanc and a population of Monophyllaea ramosa on a shaded vertical rocky bank, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc and a population of Monophyllaea ramosa on a shaded vertical rocky bank, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Monophyllaea ramosa, Elatostema sinuatum and Begonia muricata on mossy rock, Manusela NP, 500 m asl, Seram, Moluccas

    Monophyllaea ramosa, Elatostema sinuatum and Begonia muricata on mossy rock, Manusela NP, 500 m asl, Seram, Moluccas

  • Monophyllaea ramosa, inflorescences, Manusela NP, 500 m asl, Seram, Moluccas

    Monophyllaea ramosa, inflorescences, Manusela NP, 500 m asl, Seram, Moluccas

  • Monophyllaea ramosa, flower at anthesis, Manusela NP, 500 m asl, Seram, Moluccas

    Monophyllaea ramosa, flower at anthesis, Manusela NP, 500 m asl, Seram, Moluccas
