Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Cyphostemma macrocarpum, old individuals in karst habitat, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

    Cyphostemma macrocarpum, old individuals in karst habitat, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

  • Patrick Blanc between two huge Cyphostemma macrocarpum individuals, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc between two huge Cyphostemma macrocarpum individuals, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Cyphostemma macrocarpum, long thick climbing then reclining stems emerging from the top of the huge aerial tuberous stem, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

    Cyphostemma macrocarpum, long thick climbing then reclining stems emerging from the top of the huge aerial tuberous stem, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

  • Cyphostemma macrocarpum, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

    Cyphostemma macrocarpum, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

  • Cyphostemma macrocarpum, emergence of the climbing then reclining thick stems at the top of the gigantic erect swollen stem base, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

    Cyphostemma macrocarpum, emergence of the climbing then reclining thick stems at the top of the gigantic erect swollen stem base, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

  • Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, axillary winged stem with alternate leaves subtended by persistant stipules, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

    Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, axillary winged stem with alternate leaves subtended by persistant stipules, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

  • Patrick Blanc showing the axillary winged leafy stem of Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia, Aug. 2023

    Patrick Blanc showing the axillary winged leafy stem of Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia, Aug. 2023

  • Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, axillary herbaceous short lived winged stem bearing short petioled alternate leaves, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

    Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, axillary herbaceous short lived winged stem bearing short petioled alternate leaves, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

  • Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, adult branched individual, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

    Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, adult branched individual, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

  • Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

    Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

  • Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, main woody stem bearing erect spiny short cataphylls and axillary almost herbaceous winged leafy stems, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

    Phyllanthus bupleuroides var. latiaxialis, main woody stem bearing erect spiny short cataphylls and axillary almost herbaceous winged leafy stems, Col d'Amieu, New Caledonia

  • Patrick Blanc observing the huge erect leaves of the monocaulous litter trapping Tapeinosperma megaphyllum,  Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji, Aug. 2016

    Patrick Blanc observing the huge erect leaves of the monocaulous litter trapping Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji, Aug. 2016

  • Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous litter trapping treelet in the forest understory, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous litter trapping treelet in the forest understory, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous litter trapping treelet with dark green leaves, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous litter trapping treelet with dark green leaves, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous huge leaved litter trapping treelet, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous huge leaved litter trapping treelet, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous litter trapping treelet in forest understory, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, a monocaulous litter trapping treelet in forest understory, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, litter accumulation in the apical rosette, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, litter accumulation in the apical rosette, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, terminal funnel arrangement of the rosetted leaves accumulating dead leaves falling from the canopy trees, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Tapeinosperma megaphyllum, terminal funnel arrangement of the rosetted leaves accumulating dead leaves falling from the canopy trees, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Patrick Blanc and the huge leaf of Macaranga magna in forest understory, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji, Aug. 2016

    Patrick Blanc and the huge leaf of Macaranga magna in forest understory, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji, Aug. 2016

  • Macaranga magna, monocaulous treelet in forest understory with huge leaves and inflorescence, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Macaranga magna, monocaulous treelet in forest understory with huge leaves and inflorescence, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Macaranga magna, huge peltate leaves with long petiole and much branched inflorescence, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

    Macaranga magna, huge peltate leaves with long petiole and much branched inflorescence, Waisali, Vanua Levu, Fiji

  • Freycinetia storckii spirally climbing around the stipe of a tree fern, Taveuni, Fiji

    Freycinetia storckii spirally climbing around the stipe of a tree fern, Taveuni, Fiji

  • Freycinetia storckii with the main stem spirally climbing around the stipe of a tree fern, Taveuni, Fiji

    Freycinetia storckii with the main stem spirally climbing around the stipe of a tree fern, Taveuni, Fiji

  • Freycinetia storckii, the main stem fixed by adventitious roots and climbing in a spiral around the stipe of a tree fern, Taveuni, Fiji

    Freycinetia storckii, the main stem fixed by adventitious roots and climbing in a spiral around the stipe of a tree fern, Taveuni, Fiji

  • Freycinetia arborea, the main stem climbing in a spiral around a tree trunk, Mount Aoupinie, New Caledonia

    Freycinetia arborea, the main stem climbing in a spiral around a tree trunk, Mount Aoupinie, New Caledonia

  • Freycinetia arborea, climbing in a spiral around a tree trunk, Mount Aoupinie, New Caledonia

    Freycinetia arborea, climbing in a spiral around a tree trunk, Mount Aoupinie, New Caledonia