Patrick Blanc observing the large leaved pseudo monocaulous Piper spoliatum, the lateral sympodial stems producing only one large leaf , Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador, Aug. 2021
Patrick Blanc observing the large leaved pseudo monocaulous Piper Piper spoliatum, the lateral sympodial stems producing only one leaf and one inflorescence , Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador, Aug. 2021
Piper spoliatum as a big leaved undershrub on small stream bank in forest understory, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper spoliatum in forest understory, a small shrub with big leaves distributed radially in a terminal global disc shape, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper spoliatum, an undershrub with a short erect unbranched stem, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper spoliatum, auriculate leaf bases, symmetric or asymmetric, maybe an indication of lateral sympodial stems with only one long internode, one asymmetric leaf and one terminal inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper spoliatum, conspicuous big wavy dark pink leaf sheaths turning dark purple and initiation of a bending down inflorescence on the right, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper spoliatum, young hanging down inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper spoliatum, young maturing hanging down spadix, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper filistilum (syn. Trianaeopiper garciae) as a subherbaceous monocaulous undershrub on a forest stream bank, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper filistilum (syn. Trianaeopiper garciae) as a subherbaceous monocaulous undershrub, global disc shaped distribution of the leaves and small down hanging inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper filistilum (syn. Trianaeopiper garciae), asymmetric leaf bases and short unruffled yellowish sheath, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper filistilum (syn. Trianaeopiper garciae), leaf base and axillary down hanging inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper filistilum (syn. Trianaeopiper garciae) leaves at the top of the stem with one axillary downward bending inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper filistilum (syn. Trianaeopiper garciae), axillary hanging down inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper filistilum (syn. Trianaeopiper garciae), terminal part of the inflorescence with flowers at anthesis, the species name due to the filiform style of the pistil, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Patrick Blanc among the plagiotropic sympodial stems of the bullate leaved Piper appendiculatum, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador, Aug. 2021
Piper appendiculatum, plagiotropic branches in forest understory, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, an undershrub with horizontal sympodial branches in forest understory, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, horizontally displayed sympodial lateral branches, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, horizontal sympodial flowering branch, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, sessile leaves with asymmetric base on sympodial flowering lateral branch, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, sympodial hairy stem, each modular segment producing one whitish cataphyll, one sessile foliage leaf with asymmetric base and one leaf opposed hanging inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, strongly bullate leaf surface, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, bullate leaf surface, these domes increasing about two times the parenchyma surface between the veins, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, densely bullate leaf surface, each half spheric dome increasing about two times the parenchyma surface, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, plagiotropic sympodial branch with hanging down inflorescence, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, inflorescences hanging under the foliage, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, hairy inflorescence peduncle and spadix ending in a narrow appendage, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, hanging down maturing spadix, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Piper appendiculatum, hanging down maturing spadix ending the hairy peduncle, Mashpi FR, Pichincha, Ecuador
Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the height and the huge trunk diameter of Piper amalago, one of the few arborescent Piper species, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021
Piper amalago, thick trunk with prominent swollen and lignified old leaf nodes and prop roots at the trunk base, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Piper amalago, thick trunk in forest understory with prominent swollen and lignified old leaf nodes, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Piper amalago, old tall thick trunk and a basal suckering stem with prop roots , Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Piper amalago, suckering individual with multiple prop roots, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Piper amalago, foliage displayed on lateral branches in the upper layers of forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Piper amalago, lateral sympodial branches with V shaped ramifications, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Piper amalago, V shaped ramifications on lateral sympodial branches, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Piper amalago, decaying leaf on forest floor, Yasuni NP, Ecuador