Biophytum soukupii, flowering individuals, Yasuni NP, Ecuador.
Biophytum soukupii, hydathodes excreting water at the top of the leaflets, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Biophytum soukupii, brownish green asymmetric leaflets, the dark color due to the lower anthocyanic cell layer, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Biophytum soukupii, asymmetric base of the leaflets, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Biophytum soukupii, puple leaflets abaxial lower surface due to anthocyans, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Biophytum soukupii, purple leaflets abaxial lower surface, jointed glandular insertion of the leaflets on the rachis, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Biophytum soukupii, inflorescence with one fully open flower at noon, Yasuni NP, Ecuador.
Biophytum soukupii, flower with light pink purple veined petals, Yasuni NP, Ecuador.
Biophytum soukupii, young developing inflorescences and open mature capsular fruit with shiny brown seeds, Yasuni NP, Ecuador.
Biophytum soukupii, open mature capsular fruit exposing the shiny brown seeds, Yasuni NP, Ecuador.
Biophytum forsythii, Mantadia, Madagascar
Biophytum forsythii, succession of pinnate leaf rosettes separated by a long internode, Mantadia, Madagascar
Elatostema blechnoides, plagiotropic shoots spreading above the forest floor, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema blechnoides at the base of a mossy tree trunk, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema blechnoides in forest understory, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema blechnoides, leaves and congested inflorescences, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema blechnoides, leafy stems, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema blechnoides, leaves, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema morobense, branched stems carpeting the forest floor, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema morobense creeping and flowering just above the forest floor, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema morobense, trident leaves quite similar to Elatostema tridens, this latter species being erect and branched above the ground; Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema morobense, tricuspid leaves and congested inflorescences, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema morobense, tricuspid leaves with parallel margins and congested inflorescences, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema mongiensis among ferns, Pandanus and sedges in forest understory, Rondon Ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema mongiensis and Pilea cf. rubiacea, very mimetic and growing together, Rondon Ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Elatostema mongiensis at the top and Pilea cf. rubiacea at the bottom, Rondon Ridge, 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Rubus fernandimuelleri and Elatostema morobense in forest understory, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Rubus fernandimuelleri, compound pinnate leaf with long sharp spines emerging from the rachis, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Rubus fernandimuelleri, leaves and flower, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Rubus fernandimuelleri, flower, Kumul, 2800 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Rubus archboldianus creeping and flowering on forest floor, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Rubus archboldianus, leaves and flower, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Rubus archboldianus, fimbriate sepals and bright orange red petals, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Freycinetia scandens climbing along a mossy tree trunk, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Freycinetia scandens, flowering branch with female cephalia and fruiting branch, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Freycinetia scandens, bracts and female cephalia, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Freycinetia scandens, female cephalia, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Freycinetia scandens, maturing fruits surrounded by the brown withering bracts, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Poikilogyne cf. multiflora in open forest understory, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Poikilogyne cf. multiflora, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea