Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Patrick Blanc at the base of a huge Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, the branches heavily covered by epiphytes, Harenna forest, Bale NP, 2300 m asl, Ethiopia, Jan. 2019

    Patrick Blanc at the base of a huge Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, the branches heavily covered by epiphytes, Harenna forest, Bale NP, 2300 m asl, Ethiopia, Jan. 2019

  • Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus branches densely covered by epiphytic species, mostly Mosses, Ferns, Peperomia and Orchids, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus branches densely covered by epiphytic species, mostly Mosses, Ferns, Peperomia and Orchids, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Huperzia ophioglossoides epiphytic on mossy deciduous branches of Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus branch, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Huperzia ophioglossoides epiphytic on mossy deciduous branches of Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus branch, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Huperzia ophioglossoides epiphytic on mossy Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus branch, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Huperzia ophioglossoides epiphytic on mossy Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus branch, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, becoming deciduous during the dry season, Harenna forest, 2350 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, becoming deciduous during the dry season, Harenna forest, 2350 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, deciduous during the dry season, new inflorescences already produced at the end of branches, Harenna forest, 2350 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, deciduous during the dry season, new inflorescences already produced at the end of branches, Harenna forest, 2350 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Schefflera volkensii, an evergreen epiphytic species on the huge deciduous Schefflera abyssinica, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Schefflera volkensii, an evergreen epiphytic species on the huge deciduous Schefflera abyssinica, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Schefflera volkensii, an evergreen epiphytic species on the deciduous Schefflera abyssinica, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Schefflera volkensii, an evergreen epiphytic species on the deciduous Schefflera abyssinica, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Hypoestes triflora as an occasional epiphyte on old mossy branches of Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Hypoestes triflora as an occasional epiphyte on old mossy branches of Astropanax (syn. Schefflera) abyssinicus, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Hypoestes triflora, an occasional epiphyte flowering on old mossy branches of Schefflera abyssinica, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Hypoestes triflora, an occasional epiphyte flowering on old mossy branches of Schefflera abyssinica, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Elaphoglossum cf. deckenii as a vertically hanging epiphyte, Harenna forest, 2800 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Elaphoglossum cf. deckenii as a vertically hanging epiphyte, Harenna forest, 2800 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Elaphoglossum cf. deckenii as an epiphyte with freely hanging fronds, Harenna forest, 2800 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Elaphoglossum cf. deckenii as an epiphyte with freely hanging fronds, Harenna forest, 2800 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Drynaria volkensii, dry persistent basket fronds, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

    Drynaria volkensii, dry persistent basket fronds, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia

  • Aeschynanthus longicaulis, ferns,orchids and a Schefflera as canopy epiphytes, Penang Hill, Malaysia

    Aeschynanthus longicaulis, ferns,orchids and a Schefflera as canopy epiphytes, Penang Hill, Malaysia

  • Aeschynanthus longicaulis,epiphytic in forest canopy, Penang Hill, Malaysia

    Aeschynanthus longicaulis,epiphytic in forest canopy, Penang Hill, Malaysia
