Aeschynanthus pulcher, freely hanging flowering stems along a vertical limestone cliff, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java
Aeschynanthus pulcher, epiphytic with 5 to 8 m long hanging stems, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Aeschynanthus pulcher, epiphytic with 5 to 8 m long freely hanging stems, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Aeschynanthus pulcher, hanging stem with adventitious roots and blackish hydathodes dots along the hairy leaf blade margin, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java
Aeschynanthus pulcher, freely hanging flowering stem along a vertical limestone cliff, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java
Aeschynanthus pulcher inflorescence, Jidor waterfall, Malang, Java
Engelhardtia spicata, the main branches festooned with epiphytes, mostly Orchids,Ferns and Bryophytes, Batu, Malang, Java
Forest tree abounding in epiphytes, notably Vanda tricolor, Remusatia vivipara and many other Orchids and ferns, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Forest tree abounding in epiphytes, notably Davallia denticulata and Schellolepis (syn. Goniophlebium) subauriculata as well as many Orchids and Bryophytes, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Hoya sp., climbing as an epiphyte along the trunk of a flowering Engelhardtia spicata, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Hoya sp., climbing as an epiphyte along the trunk of Engelhardtia spicata, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Huperzia squarrosa, Davallia denticulata and other epiphytic Ferns and Orchids, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Remusatia vivipara on a seeping vertical cliff, Madakaripura Waterfall, Probolinggo, Java
Remusatia vivipara, withering leaves at the transition between rainy and dry seasons, this epiphytic Araceae being reduced to its tuber during the dry season, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Vanda tricolor and Remusatia vivipara epiphytic on an old forest tree, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schefflera sp., Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schefflera sp., inflorescences and leaves, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schefflera sp., inflorescence, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schefflera sp., clasping and embracing horizontally growing adventitious roots, Wanagama forest, Gunung Kidul, Java, May 2018
Schellolepis (syn. Goniophlebium, Polypodium) subauriculata, Ficus sp.and many other epiphytic Orchids and Bryophytes, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schellolepis (syn. Goniophlebium, Polypodium) subauriculata, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schoenorchis juncifolia, freely hanging stems, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schoenorchis juncifolia, branched freely hanging stems, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schoenorchis juncifolia, branched freely hanging stems in mountain mist, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schoenorchis juncifolia, freely hanging stems in mountain mist, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Schoenorchis juncifolia, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Thrixspermum subulatum, a tufted freely hanging epiphytic Orchid, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Thrixspermum subulatum, a freely hanging epiphytic Orchid, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Vanda tricolor, a large clump in habitat, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Vanda tricolor in habitat, Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, Java
Vittaria ensifolia, Batu, Malang, Java
Monolena ovata and Pitcairnia sp., saxicolous and epiphytic on perhumid mossy branch, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Monolena ovata, epiphytic on perhumid mossy branch, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Monolena ovata growing on a permanently seeping rock, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Monolena ovata, two individuals, epiphytic on perhumid mossy branch, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Monolena ovata, tuberous base, epiphytic on perhumid mossy branch, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Dichaea pendula, Santa Amaro da Imperatriz, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Dichaea pendula, epiphyte at forest edge, Santa Amaro da Imperatriz, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Dichaea pendula hanging from each side of a tree branch, Santa Amaro da Imperatriz, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Asplenium nidus, sori on the lower abaxial surface of the fronds, Singapore