Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Cuatresia riparia, a form with silver mottled leaves, Chicaque, Soacha, Colombia

    Cuatresia riparia, a form with silver mottled leaves, Chicaque, Soacha, Colombia

  • Cuatresia riparia, plagiotropic anisophyllous shoot, Chicaque, Soacha, Colombia

    Cuatresia riparia, plagiotropic anisophyllous shoot, Chicaque, Soacha, Colombia

  • Cuatresia riparia, flowers, Chicaque, Soacha, Colombia

    Cuatresia riparia, flowers, Chicaque, Soacha, Colombia

  • Patrick Blanc much intrigued by a Solanaceae species of the Witheringia alliance, with strongly anisophyllous and succulent leaves reminiscent of some Gesneriaceae, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia, Nov.2016

    Patrick Blanc much intrigued by a Solanaceae species of the Witheringia alliance, with strongly anisophyllous and succulent leaves reminiscent of some Gesneriaceae, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia, Nov.2016

  • Solanaceae sp. of the Witheringia alliance exhibiting anisophylly on plagiotropic shoots, succulent leaves reminiscent of some Gesneriaceae, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia

    Solanaceae sp. of the Witheringia alliance exhibiting anisophylly on plagiotropic shoots, succulent leaves reminiscent of some Gesneriaceae, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia

  • Solanaceae sp. of the Witheringia alliance exhibiting anisophylly on plagiotropic shoots, succulent leaves reminiscent of some Gesneriaceae, close up, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia

    Solanaceae sp. of the Witheringia alliance exhibiting anisophylly on plagiotropic shoots, succulent leaves reminiscent of some Gesneriaceae, close up, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia

  • Solanaceae sp. of the Witheringia alliance exhibiting anisophylly on plagiotropic shoots, flowers, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia

    Solanaceae sp. of the Witheringia alliance exhibiting anisophylly on plagiotropic shoots, flowers, Utria NP, Choco, Colombia

  • Pilea imparifolia on a vertical seeping rock, Terco, Nuqui, Choco, Colombia

    Pilea imparifolia on a vertical seeping rock, Terco, Nuqui, Choco, Colombia

  • Pilea imparifolia on a vertical seeping rock, anisophyllous opposite leaves on plagiotropic shoots, Terco, Nuqui, Choco, Colombia

    Pilea imparifolia on a vertical seeping rock, anisophyllous opposite leaves on plagiotropic shoots, Terco, Nuqui, Choco, Colombia

  • Blanc P. - 2001 - Diversité et syndromes de dispersion chez les Angiospermes de sous-bois tropical

    Blanc P. - 2001 - Diversité et syndromes de dispersion chez les Angiospermes de sous-bois tropical

  • Blanc P., 1977, Contribution à l'études des Aracées, 1, Remarques sur la croissance monopodiale, Rev. gen. Bot., 84, 115-126

    Blanc P., 1977, Contribution à l'études des Aracées, 1, Remarques sur la croissance monopodiale, Rev. gen. Bot., 84, 115-126

  • Blanc P., 1977, Contribution à l'étude des Aracées, 2, Remarques sur la croissance sympodiale...

    Blanc P., 1977, Contribution à l'étude des Aracées, 2, Remarques sur la croissance sympodiale...

  • Blanc P.,1980, Observations sur les flagelles des Araceae, Adansonia, ser. 2, 20 (3), 325-338

    Blanc P.,1980, Observations sur les flagelles des Araceae, Adansonia, ser. 2, 20 (3), 325-338

  • Blanc P., 1982, Alternance de cataphylles et de feuilles assimilatrices chez les Araceae, implications écologiques, Mem. Mus. nat. Hist. nat., 132, 263-272

    Blanc P., 1982, Alternance de cataphylles et de feuilles assimilatrices chez les Araceae, implications écologiques, Mem. Mus. nat. Hist. nat., 132, 263-272

  • Alocasia perakensis, large leaves form, all leaf blades downwards orientated, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia

    Alocasia perakensis, large leaves form, all leaf blades downwards orientated, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia

  • Alocasia perakensis, small leaves form, all leaf blades radially displayed, the youngest leaf upwards orientated, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

    Alocasia perakensis, small leaves form, all leaf blades radially displayed, the youngest leaf upwards orientated, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

  • Bauhinia scandens, stems and leaves, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, stems and leaves, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Bauhinia scandens, front view, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, front view, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Bauhinia scandens, lower part of the liana, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, lower part of the liana, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Bauhinia scandens, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Bauhinia scandens, zigzaging stem, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, zigzaging stem, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Bauhinia scandens, stem structure, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, stem structure, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Bauhinia scandens, bubbled stem, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, bubbled stem, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Bauhinia scandens, splitting of the stem,Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Bauhinia scandens, splitting of the stem,Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Neoalsomitra sarcophylla climbing vertically along a tree trunk, fixed by hairy bifid adhesive tendrils, Ratchaburi, Thailand

    Neoalsomitra sarcophylla climbing vertically along a tree trunk, fixed by hairy bifid adhesive tendrils, Ratchaburi, Thailand

  • Neoalsomitra sarcophylla climbing on a tree trunk, trifoliate leaves with hairy bifid terminal part of the tendril, Ratchaburi, Thailand

    Neoalsomitra sarcophylla climbing on a tree trunk, trifoliate leaves with hairy bifid terminal part of the tendril, Ratchaburi, Thailand

  • Neoalsomitra sarcophylla, close-up of the hairy bifid adhesive terminal part of the tendril, Ratchaburi, Thailand

    Neoalsomitra sarcophylla, close-up of the hairy bifid adhesive terminal part of the tendril, Ratchaburi, Thailand

  • Trichosanthes sp. climbing vertically on the rock surface thanks to its adhesive pads terminating the tendrils, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi

    Trichosanthes sp. climbing vertically on the rock surface thanks to its adhesive pads terminating the tendrils, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi

  • Trichosanthes sp. climbing vertically on the rock thanks to its adhesive pads terminating the tendrils, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi

    Trichosanthes sp. climbing vertically on the rock thanks to its adhesive pads terminating the tendrils, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi

  • Trichosanthes sp., adhesive pads terminating the tendrils, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi

    Trichosanthes sp., adhesive pads terminating the tendrils, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi

  • Pandanus tectorius, adult individual with secondarily enlarged embracing bases of lateral branches, Kauai'i, Hawai'i.

    Pandanus tectorius, adult individual with secondarily enlarged embracing bases of lateral branches, Kauai'i, Hawai'i.

  • Pandanus tectorius, secondarily enlarged embracing bases of lateral branches, Kauai'i, Hawai'i

    Pandanus tectorius, secondarily enlarged embracing bases of lateral branches, Kauai'i, Hawai'i

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing phase, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing phase, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, tightly appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing phase, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, tightly appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing phase, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, thigmotropic tightly appressed fronds of the climbing phase (bathyphylls), Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, thigmotropic tightly appressed fronds of the climbing phase (bathyphylls), Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, tightly appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing sterile phase along a tree trunk, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, tightly appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing sterile phase along a tree trunk, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, transition due to metamorphosis between the dark green appressed sterile fronds (bathyphylls) and the bright green detached fertile fronds (acrophylls), Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, transition due to metamorphosis between the dark green appressed sterile fronds (bathyphylls) and the bright green detached fertile fronds (acrophylls), Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing sterile phase and fertile large fronds (acrophylls) expanding perpendicularly to the trunk support, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, appressed thigmotropic fronds (bathyphylls) of the climbing sterile phase and fertile large fronds (acrophylls) expanding perpendicularly to the trunk support, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, bright green detached fertile fronds terminating the stem (acrophylls) with appressed dark green fronds below, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, bright green detached fertile fronds terminating the stem (acrophylls) with appressed dark green fronds below, Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, transition between the dark green appressed sterile vegetative fronds (bathyphylls) and the bright green adult detached fertile fronds (acrophylls), Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Arthrobotrya (syn. Teratophyllum) articulata, transition between the dark green appressed sterile vegetative fronds (bathyphylls) and the bright green adult detached fertile fronds (acrophylls), Karawari, Sepik, Papua New Guinea
