Blanc P. - 2004 - S'éviter, se réajuster, se mimer, se répéter, de l'art de la cohabitation chez les plantes de sous-bois - Hommes et Plantes 48, 22-37
Calathea maasiorum, leaf shade avoidance, day 1, young fully developped leaf on left appearing under a mature leaf, Nouragues, French Guyana
Calathea maasiorum, leaf shade avoidance, day 2, young fully developped leaf on left moving laterally from under a mature leaf, Nouragues, French Guyana
Calathea maasiorum, leaf shade avoidance, day 3, young fully developped leaf on left moving laterally and displaying its blade in the empty space, Nouragues, French Guyana
Calathea maasiorum, day 4, young fully developped leaf on left occupying now the free empty space between older leaves, Nouragues, French Guyana
Monstera standleyana, leaf blade shade avoidance through petiole torsion, Tenorio, Costa Rica
Philodendron sp. Sect. Pteromischum exhibiting leaf blade shade avoidance through petiole torsion, Osa, Costa Rica
Philodendron sp. Sect. Pteromischum exhibiting leaf blade shade avoidance through petiole torsion, detail of one stem, Osa, Costa Rica
Tacca integrifolia, leaf display allowing perfect shade avoidance, Mac Ritchie, Singapore
Aglaonema simplex, shade avoidance of the leaves, Trengganu, Malaysia
Spathiphyllum sp., leaf blade avoidance through differential torsion of petiolar geniculum, discoid disposition of blades in spite of distichous phyllotaxy, Iquitos, Peru
Spathiphyllum sp., differential torsion of petiolar geniculum resulting in discoid disposition of blades, Allpahuayo, Iquitos, Peru
Marantochloa sp., leaf shade avoidance due to the callus movements, Kribi, Cameroun
Leaf blade shade avoidance through everlasting petiole elongation in Nymphaea hybrids, Bangkok
Leaf blade shade avoidance through everlasting petiole elongation in Nymphaea hybrids, close up, Bangkok
Trapa natans, leaf blade reaching early its definitive size while the petiole elongates during all the leaf life span, allowing blade shade avoidance, Liwonde NP, Malawi
Begonia kingiana exhibiting leaf blade avoidance through everlasting elongation of petiole, Langkawi, Malaysia
Begonia blancii, blackish form exhibiting leaf shade avoidance through everlasting petiole elongation, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia blancii, leaf blade shade avoidance through everlasting extension of petiole, the downwards oldest leaf having the longest, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia suborbiculata on rock exhibiting leaf shade avoidance through everlasting petiole elongation, Cataban Cuyaw-Yaw Falls, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia tagbanua, elongating petioles allowing leaf blade avoidance, PPSRNP, Sabang, Palawan, Philippine
Begonia tagbanua, leaf shade avoidance through everlasting petiole elongation, PPSRNP, Sabang,Palawan, Philippines
Begonia tagbanua, leaf shade avoidance through everlasting petiole elongation during leaf ageing, PPSRNP, Sabang,Palawan, Philippines
Begonia tagbanua, leaf blade shade avoidance through petiole elongation, PPSRNP, Sabang, Palawan, Philippines
Paraboea sp. population on limestone stalactite at cave entrance, each individual exhibiting shade avoidance due to indefinite petiole elongation, Krabi, Thailand
Paraboea sp. exhibiting shade avoidance due to everlasting petiole elongation till leaf ageing and death, Krabi, Thailand
Codonoboea quinquevulnera, shade avoidance through everlasting elongation of the base of the leaf blades, Cameron Highlands
Codonoboea quinquevulnera, green iridescence and shade avoidance through everlasting elongation of the base of the blades, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Codonoboea quinquevulnera, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Dracaena cochinchinensis vertically emerging from the Dicots trees and shrubs shaped by the strong winds inducing anemomorphosis, Nui Chua NP, Vietnam
Dracaena cochinchinensis, leaves blown by the wind but stems remaining vertically erect contrary to Dicot flag shaped trees ans shrubs due to anemomorphosis, Nui Chua NP, Vietnam
Dracaena cochinchinensis, growth erect and not exhibiting anemomorphosis due to the apex protection by the sheathing leaves characteristic of Monocots, Nui Chua NP, Vietnam
Dracaena cochinchinensis and the invasive Opuntia not exhibiting anemomorphosis due to the apex protection by the sheathing leaves in th Monocot and diffuse apical growth in the cactus, Nui Chua NP, Vietnam
Flag shaped Dicot tree crowns due to anemomorphosis while tree fern Dicksonia squarrosa and Monocots Rhopalostylis sapida and Cordyline australis stay verical, Waipoua, New Zealand
Anemomorphosis, differential impact of the wind on the curved Dicotyledonous trees and the erect Cordyline and tree ferns, Wellington, New Zealand
Flag shaped tree crowns due to anemomorphosis, Waipoua, New Zealand
Anemomorphosis, Waipoua, New Zealand
Metrosideros excelsa shaped through anemomorphosis on the sea coast, Waipoua, New Zealand
Anemomorphosis in Metrosideros excelsa, the flag shape of the crown due to necrosis of the vertically growing shoots, Waipoua, New Zealand
Anemomorphosis in Metrosideros excelsa, desiccation and necrosis of the vertically growing shoots and survival of the protected shoots, Waipoua, New Zealand