Cryptocoryne elliptica, sugmerged individuals,nBukit Panchor SP, Penang, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne elliptica emersed among granitic pebbles and dead leaves from canopy trees, Bukit Panchor SP, Penang, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne elliptica emersed among granitic pebbles and dead leaves, Bukit Panchor SP, Penang, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne elliptica emersed on a mud flat, Bukit Panchor SP, Penang, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne elliptica, successive development stages of plantlets issued from the petiole base, Bukit Panchor SP, Penang, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne griffithii, Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapour
Cryptocoryne griffithii, small population in habitat, Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapore
Cryptocoryne griffithii, bright green submeged leaves, Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapore
Patrick Blanc showing the dark red leaf undersurface of Cryptocoryne griffithii, Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapore
Cryptocoryne griffithii, Nee Soon, Singapour, Octobre 2010
Cryptocoryne griffithii, green slightly cordate leaves, Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapore
Cryptocoryne griffithii, green submersed leaves, Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapore
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, probably the species regularly exported to Europe in the Sixties and Seventies, Mac Ritchie, Singapore
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, vegetative population, emersed leaves covered by mud, Mac Ritchie, Singapore
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, emersed leaves covered by mud, Mac Ritchie, Singapore
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, having to face the american alien Mayaca fluviatilis, Mac Ritchie, Singapour
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, submerged leaves partly covered by clay and humus, Mac Ritchie, Singapour
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, submerged population, Mac Ritchie, Singapour
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, submersed, Mac Ritchie, Singapore
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii,dark brown leaves and whitish nerves, Mac Ritchie, Singapore
Cryptocoryne sp., maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, sandy substrate, dark brown leaves and whitish nerves, Mac Ritchie, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, population detail, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis vegetative population, brown striped leaves, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, iridescent green colour of the leaves, close-up, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, iridescent green colour of the leaves, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, brown striped leaves, Bukit Timah, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis flowering in habitat, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis with light purple spatha in habitat in habitat, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, inflorescence emerging out of the mud, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, probably a hybrid between C. schulzei and C. nurii from Johore, maybe introduced by R.E. Holttum in late forties, Bukit Timah
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, warty surface of spatha and collar, Bukit Timah, Singapore, endemic or more probably introduced
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, warty surface of the spatha, Singapore
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, open spatha, tube and kettle
Cryptocoryne x timahensis, open spatha
Cryptocoryne schulzei, partly emersed population, Gunung Panti FR, Johore, Malaysia, Feb 2012
Cryptocoryne schulzei, partly emersed and flowering population , Gunung Panti FR, Johore, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne schulzei, emersed on earth slope, Gunung Panti FR, Johore, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne schulzei, maculate and plain green submerged leaves, Gunung Panti FR, Johore, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne schulzei, flowering population, Gunung Panti FR, Johore, Malaysia
Cryptocoryne schulzei, flowering partly emersed population, Gunung Panti FR, Johore, Malaysia, Feb 2012