Lilaeopsis macloviana at 4100 m asl in a peat Angiosperm swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Lachemilla diplophylla at 4100 m asl in a peat Angiosperm swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Lachemilla diplophylla, leaves and tiny yellow green flowers at 4100 m asl in a peat Angiosperm swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Gentiana sedifolia at 4100 m asl in a peat Angiosperm swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Distichia muscoides, large densely crowded stems creating peat Angiosperm deep deposits, at 4100 m asl in a swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Distichia muscoides and other Angiosperms accumulating deep peat, at 4100 m asl in a swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Distichia muscoides, close up of the large densely crowded stems creating peat Angiosperm deep deposits, at 4100 m asl in a swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Distichia muscoides, close up from top of the large densely crowded stems creating peat Angiosperm deep deposits, at 4100 m asl in a swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Distichia muscoides, one stem out of the peat with living green leaves at the top, at 4100 m asl in a peat Angiosperm swamp of the Altiplano, Cuzco, Peru
Equisetum giganteum population in swampy area, Madre de Dios, 2000 m asl, Peru
Equisetum giganteum population with a Vernonia in swampy area, Madre de Dios, 2000 m asl, Peru
Equisetum giganteum population of different stem age in swampy area, Madre de Dios, 2000 m asl, Peru
Equisetum giganteum, two young growing stems up to four meters high, Madre de Dios, 2000 m asl, Peru
Equisetum giganteum, young upwards growing stems, Madre de Dios, 2000 m asl, Peru
Equisetum giganteum, main emerging stem with verticillate developing lateral determinate shoots, Madre de Dios, 2000 m asl, Peru
Holochlamys beccarii, just after rain in swampy rainforest understory habitat, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Holochlamys beccarii in swampy rainforest understory habitat, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Holochlamys beccarii, spatha clasping the spadix, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Ipomoea sagittata habitat, La Albufera, Valencia, Spain
Ipomoea sagittata, dry stems and open capsules in winter, La Albufera, Valencia, Spain
Ipomoea sagittata, leaves and flowers in summer, La Albufera, Valencia, Spain
Ipomoea sagittata climbing on the trees along the river banks, Miranda, Pantanal, Brazil
Ipomoea sagittata climbing on the trees along the river banks, flower detail, Miranda, Pantanal, Brazil
Ipomoea sagittata in a swamp, Pantanal, Transpantanera, Cuiaba, Brazil
Ipomoea sagittata in a swamp, flower detail, Pantanal, Transpantanera, Cuiaba, Brazil
Syzygium mekongense in rocky rheophytic habitat, Mekong river, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Syzygium mekongense in its rocky rheophytic habitat, Mekong river, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Syzygium mekongense, branched woody base on rock boulders in Mekong river, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Syzygium mekongense, branched woody base as rheophyte on rock boulders in Mekong river, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Gmelina asiatica in its rheophytic habitat, Mekong river, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Gmelina asiatica flowers, rheophyte in rocky habitat, Mekong river, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Pogonatherum paniceum on a seeping rock, Wiang Kosai NP, Thailand
Homonoia riparia in the Mekong river, center of Jinghong city, Xishuangbanna, China
Homonoia riparia in the Mekong river, fruiting branch, Jinghong city, Xishuangbanna, China
Homonoia riparia in the Mekong river, fruiting defoliate branches, Jinghong city, Xishuangbanna, China
Homonoia riparia in the Mekong river, capsular tricoccous fruits, Jinghong city, Xishuangbanna, China
Boehmeria penduliflora along a forest stream, Xishuangbanna, China
Boehmeria penduliflora, long hanging female spikes with congested achenes, Xishuangbanna, China
Elatostema integrifolium in rocky habitat just above fast flowing forest stream, Andaman
Patrick Blanc standing above a dense population of a Podostemaceae, either a very vigorous green form of Macarenia clavigera or a new species, Cano Cristales, Serrania Macarena NP, Meta, Colombia, Oct. 2016