Sauf mention spéciale, tous les portraits de Patrick Blanc depuis 1985 ont été réalisés par Pascal Héni et leur utilisation doit donc être accompagnée de la mention "Copyright Pascal Héni".
  • 2024
  • Patrick Blanc showing the leaves and inflorescences of the rheophytic Aponogeton boivinianus, Saharenana river, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc showing the leaves and inflorescences of the rheophytic Aponogeton boivinianus, Saharenana river, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the plant species distribution along the banks, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the plant species distribution along the banks, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Patrick Blanc showing the leafy crown of a tall Ravenala madagascariensis while Pascal Héni is filming, Ankin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc showing the leafy crown of a tall Ravenala madagascariensis while Pascal Héni is filming, Ankin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing Cyperus chamaecephalus in forest understory, Montagne d'Ambre, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing Cyperus chamaecephalus in forest understory, Montagne d'Ambre, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Patrick Blanc above a vegetative population of Cyperus sciaphilus, Mantadia NP, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc above a vegetative population of Cyperus sciaphilus, Mantadia NP, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the huge distichous sedge, Machaerina iridifolia, Grand Etang, La Réunion, July 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the huge distichous sedge, Machaerina iridifolia, Grand Etang, La Réunion, July 2024

  • Patrick Blanc in a dense population of Pandanus purpurascens, Mare Longue, La Réunion, July 2024

    Patrick Blanc in a dense population of Pandanus purpurascens, Mare Longue, La Réunion, July 2024

  • Patrick Blanc among the erect fronds of the pioneer fern Nephrolepis abrupta colonising the recent lava flows, Sainte Rose, La Réunion, July 2024

    Patrick Blanc among the erect fronds of the pioneer fern Nephrolepis abrupta colonising the recent lava flows, Sainte Rose, La Réunion, July 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the bright yellow flowers of the introduced Distimake tuberosus, Le Ouaki, Saint Louis, La Réunion, July 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the bright yellow flowers of the introduced Distimake tuberosus, Le Ouaki, Saint Louis, La Réunion, July 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the low epiphyte Cordyline mauritiana with roots growing on the stipe of a tree fern, Bebour forest, Reunion, July 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the low epiphyte Cordyline mauritiana with roots growing on the stipe of a tree fern, Bebour forest, Reunion, July 2024

  • Patrick Blanc in mossy forest among the low epiphytic Astelia hemichrysa, Bebour forest, Reunion, July 2024

    Patrick Blanc in mossy forest among the low epiphytic Astelia hemichrysa, Bebour forest, Reunion, July 2024

  • Patrick Blanc and the low epiphytic Astelia hemichrysa, Bebour forest, Reunion, July 2024

    Patrick Blanc and the low epiphytic Astelia hemichrysa, Bebour forest, Reunion, July 2024

  • Patrick Blanc, Yves Juhel the Mayor of Menton, Michael Likierman and Gilles Deparis at Inauguration of Patrick's exhibition Trop Belles pour Disparaitre, Serre de la Madone, France, June 2024

    Patrick Blanc, Yves Juhel the Mayor of Menton, Michael Likierman and Gilles Deparis at Inauguration of Patrick's exhibition Trop Belles pour Disparaitre, Serre de la Madone, France, June 2024

  • Patrick Blanc among his works for  his exhibition Trop Belles pour Disparaitre, Serre de la Madone, Menton, France, June 2024

    Patrick Blanc among his works for his exhibition Trop Belles pour Disparaitre, Serre de la Madone, Menton, France, June 2024

  • Patrick Blanc at the inauguration of his exhibition Trop Belles pour Disparaitre, Serre de la Madone, Menton, France, June 2024

    Patrick Blanc at the inauguration of his exhibition Trop Belles pour Disparaitre, Serre de la Madone, Menton, France, June 2024

  • Patrick Blanc under the long cauliflorous hanging whip like inflorescences of Ficus pungens, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc under the long cauliflorous hanging whip like inflorescences of Ficus pungens, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the leaves of Pandanus krauelianus in the forest canopy, above its longitudinally grooved stilt roots, Manusela NP, 300 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the leaves of Pandanus krauelianus in the forest canopy, above its longitudinally grooved stilt roots, Manusela NP, 300 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing Elatostema strigosum in forest understory, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing Elatostema strigosum in forest understory, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc and Drymophloeus oliviformis, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc and Drymophloeus oliviformis, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the basal red flowers of the shrubby cauliflorous Agalmyla coccinea, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the basal red flowers of the shrubby cauliflorous Agalmyla coccinea, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the small recurved leaves of Freycinetia scandens just under the long leaved Freycinetia funicularis, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the small recurved leaves of Freycinetia scandens just under the long leaved Freycinetia funicularis, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc and a population of the small treefern Alsophila cf. perpelvigera, Manusela NP, 1000 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc and a population of the small treefern Alsophila cf. perpelvigera, Manusela NP, 1000 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the hanging infructescence of Pleuranthodium cf. racemigerum, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the hanging infructescence of Pleuranthodium cf. racemigerum, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the bright blue Entoloma hochstetteri, Manusela NP, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the bright blue Entoloma hochstetteri, Manusela NP, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing Agalmyla inaequidentata climbing along a mossy tree trunk, Manusela NP, 1000 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing Agalmyla inaequidentata climbing along a mossy tree trunk, Manusela NP, 1000 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing the longitudinally grooved stilt roots of Pandanus krauelianus, each crest being spiny due to aborted lateral roots, Manusela NP, 300 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing the longitudinally grooved stilt roots of Pandanus krauelianus, each crest being spiny due to aborted lateral roots, Manusela NP, 300 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc showing the long cauliflorous hanging whip like inflorescences of Ficus pungens, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc showing the long cauliflorous hanging whip like inflorescences of Ficus pungens, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc and a population of Monophyllaea ramosa on a shaded vertical rocky bank, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc and a population of Monophyllaea ramosa on a shaded vertical rocky bank, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the tall climbing stems of Racemobambos ceramica reaching the forest canopy without any clinging structure, Manusela NP, 1100 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc looking at the tall climbing stems of Racemobambos ceramica reaching the forest canopy without any clinging structure, Manusela NP, 1100 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc showing a clump of the mycoheterotrophic Epirixanthes elongata, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc showing a clump of the mycoheterotrophic Epirixanthes elongata, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc showing a clump of the mycoheterotrophic Epirixanthes elongata on the mossy forest floor, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc showing a clump of the mycoheterotrophic Epirixanthes elongata on the mossy forest floor, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc among the erect stems of Elatostematoides polioneura in forest understory, Masihulan, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc among the erect stems of Elatostematoides polioneura in forest understory, Masihulan, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc among the light pink flowers and orange berries of Medinilla alpestris, Tjibodas, Java, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc among the light pink flowers and orange berries of Medinilla alpestris, Tjibodas, Java, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc and Sony Sapulete in forest understory around Waisia waterfall, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc and Sony Sapulete in forest understory around Waisia waterfall, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the huge inflorescence of Ixora longifolia in forest understory, Masihulan, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the huge inflorescence of Ixora longifolia in forest understory, Masihulan, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc in a stagnant marsh to observe a large sagittate leaved form of Lasia spinosa, Saleman, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc in a stagnant marsh to observe a large sagittate leaved form of Lasia spinosa, Saleman, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc observing a flowering individual of Helmholtzia novoguineensis, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc observing a flowering individual of Helmholtzia novoguineensis, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the long falcate leaves of Rhaphidophora oligosperma, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc looking at the long falcate leaves of Rhaphidophora oligosperma, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc in a dense population of Cyrtandra arborescens, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc in a dense population of Cyrtandra arborescens, Manusela NP, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

  • Patrick Blanc among the leaves of Heptapleurum littoreum, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024

    Patrick Blanc among the leaves of Heptapleurum littoreum, Manusela NP, 800 m asl, Seram, Moluccas, April 2024
