Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Tree root climbing along an Astrocaryum sciophilum stipe, the sinuous shape of the root reflecting its progressive upwards growth in the top leaf litter of the palm, French Guyana

    Tree root climbing along an Astrocaryum sciophilum stipe, the sinuous shape of the root reflecting its progressive upwards growth in the top leaf litter of the palm, French Guyana

  • Accumulation of cylindrical shaped leaf litter at top of Astrocaryum sciophilum stipe due to basal leaf spines, Kourou, French Guyana

    Accumulation of cylindrical shaped leaf litter at top of Astrocaryum sciophilum stipe due to basal leaf spines, Kourou, French Guyana

  • Zigzaging upward growing root of a tree colonizing the canopy leaf litter accumulated in the apical rosette of Astrocaryum sciophilum, Montsinery, French Guyana

    Zigzaging upward growing root of a tree colonizing the canopy leaf litter accumulated in the apical rosette of Astrocaryum sciophilum, Montsinery, French Guyana

  • Tree roots invading upwards an old decaying tree trunk, French Guyana

    Tree roots invading upwards an old decaying tree trunk, French Guyana

  • Psychotria sadebeckiana, leaf litter accumulated at the top of the rosetted leaves and invaded by the roots of surrounding trees, Campo, Cameroon

    Psychotria sadebeckiana, leaf litter accumulated at the top of the rosetted leaves and invaded by the roots of surrounding trees, Campo, Cameroon

  • Psychotria sadebeckiana, adventitious thin and highly branched roots growing in leaf litter accumulated at the top of the rosetted leaves, Campo, Cameroon

    Psychotria sadebeckiana, adventitious thin and highly branched roots growing in leaf litter accumulated at the top of the rosetted leaves, Campo, Cameroon

  • Campylospermum duparquetianum, upper part of the monocaulous treelet with terminal leaf rosette accumulating canopy leaf litter and producing numerous much branched coralliform roots, Campo, Cameroon

    Campylospermum duparquetianum, upper part of the monocaulous treelet with terminal leaf rosette accumulating canopy leaf litter and producing numerous much branched coralliform roots, Campo, Cameroon

  • Phyllobotryon spathulatum, accumulation of leaf litter at the top of the apical rosette of leaves, Munda forest, Gabon

    Phyllobotryon spathulatum, accumulation of leaf litter at the top of the apical rosette of leaves, Munda forest, Gabon

  • Ficus abutilifolia, horizontal roots embracing rocks, Dogon area, Mali

    Ficus abutilifolia, horizontal roots embracing rocks, Dogon area, Mali

  • Ficus abutilifolia roots on cliff, Mali

    Ficus abutilifolia roots on cliff, Mali

  • Ficus abutilifolia roots on humid mossy canyon cliff, Mali

    Ficus abutilifolia roots on humid mossy canyon cliff, Mali

  • Ficus sp, roots embracing a rock in dry climate area, Mali

    Ficus sp, roots embracing a rock in dry climate area, Mali

  • Ficus sp., roots covering a rock in intermittent waterfall, Mali

    Ficus sp., roots covering a rock in intermittent waterfall, Mali

  • Ficus sp., roots on intermittent waterfall, Mali

    Ficus sp., roots on intermittent waterfall, Mali

  • Ficus trigona as a banyan tree with pillar roots maintening the tree crown above the high water levels, Iquitos, Peru

    Ficus trigona as a banyan tree with pillar roots maintening the tree crown above the high water levels, Iquitos, Peru

  • Socratea exorrhiza, old individual with many stilt roots arising up to two meters above the forest floor,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

    Socratea exorrhiza, old individual with many stilt roots arising up to two meters above the forest floor,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

  • Socratea exorrhiza, spiny stilt roots,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

    Socratea exorrhiza, spiny stilt roots,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

  • Socratea exorrhiza, stilt roots,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

    Socratea exorrhiza, stilt roots,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

  • Socratea exorrhiza, young, vigorous and promising stilt root,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

    Socratea exorrhiza, young, vigorous and promising stilt root,Lagos de Menegua, Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia

  •  Cercestis (syn. Rhektophyllum) camerunense, racines horizontales fixatrices et racine nourricière verticale, Campo, Cameroun

    Cercestis (syn. Rhektophyllum) camerunense, racines horizontales fixatrices et racine nourricière verticale, Campo, Cameroun

  • Cercestis camerunensis, solitary downwards growing flattened feeding root and numerous horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis camerunensis, solitary downwards growing flattened feeding root and numerous horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis camerunensis, solitary downwards growing flattened feeding root and numerous horizontally growing anchoring roots, close up, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis camerunensis, solitary downwards growing flattened feeding root and numerous horizontally growing anchoring roots, close up, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis camerunensis, downwards growing flattened feeding root and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis camerunensis, downwards growing flattened feeding root and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis camerunensis, downwards growing flattened feeding roots and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis camerunensis, downwards growing flattened feeding roots and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis camerunensis, insertion on the stem of the downwards growing flattened feeding roots and horizontal anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis camerunensis, insertion on the stem of the downwards growing flattened feeding roots and horizontal anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing cylindrical verrucose  feeding roots arising fromthe leafy rosette, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing cylindrical verrucose feeding roots arising fromthe leafy rosette, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing cylindrical unarmed  feeding roots and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing cylindrical unarmed feeding roots and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis mirabilis, insertion of the downwards growing cylindrical unarmed  feeding roots and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis mirabilis, insertion of the downwards growing cylindrical unarmed feeding roots and horizontally growing anchoring roots, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing cylindrical spinulose  feeding roots fixed to the host tree trunk, Kribi, Cameroun

    Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing cylindrical spinulose feeding roots fixed to the host tree trunk, Kribi, Cameroun

  • Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing feeding roots with short spiny emergences, adhering to the host trunk, Campo, Cameroon

    Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing feeding roots with short spiny emergences, adhering to the host trunk, Campo, Cameroon

  • Cercestis mirabilis, feeding roots with short spiny emergences, adhering to the host trunk, Campo, Cameroon

    Cercestis mirabilis, feeding roots with short spiny emergences, adhering to the host trunk, Campo, Cameroon

  • Cercestis sp. nov. in habitat, freely hanging blackish barbed feeding root along tree trunk support, Campo, Cameroun

    Cercestis sp. nov. in habitat, freely hanging blackish barbed feeding root along tree trunk support, Campo, Cameroun

  • Cercestis sp. nov. in habitat, Patrick Blanc holding the freely hanging blackish barbed feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

    Cercestis sp. nov. in habitat, Patrick Blanc holding the freely hanging blackish barbed feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

  • Cercestis sp. nov., blackish  long barbed wire like feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

    Cercestis sp. nov., blackish long barbed wire like feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

  • Cercestis sp. nov., blackish barbed wire like feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

    Cercestis sp. nov., blackish barbed wire like feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

  • Cercestis sp. nov., blackish barbed wire feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

    Cercestis sp. nov., blackish barbed wire feeding root, Campo, Cameroun

  • Anthurium fendleri, two big individuals fixed to the rock due to the dense network of the root system accumulating humus,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia

    Anthurium fendleri, two big individuals fixed to the rock due to the dense network of the root system accumulating humus,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia

  • Anthurium fendleri, stem bases with thick downward orientated roots,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia

    Anthurium fendleri, stem bases with thick downward orientated roots,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia

  • Anthurium fendleri, individual fixed to the rock due to the dense network of the root system trapping leaf litter,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia

    Anthurium fendleri, individual fixed to the rock due to the dense network of the root system trapping leaf litter,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia

  • Anthurium fendleri, young upward growing roots impaling and trapping leaf litter and older roots growing in all directions,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia

    Anthurium fendleri, young upward growing roots impaling and trapping leaf litter and older roots growing in all directions,Tayrona NP, Magdalena, Colombia
