Impatiens ciliifolia on mossy vertical seeping rock, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia, monocaulous individuals issued from a tiny tuber fixed to the seeping rock face with apical rosetted leaves and emerging inflorescences, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia on a mossy rock, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia, long inflorescence peduncle and flowers congested at the top, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia, hairy leaves, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia on seeping rock face, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia, inflorescences, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia, inflorescences at the top of the stem ending in a discoid distribution of pseudo verticillate leaves, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia, flowers at anthesis, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens ciliifolia, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Patrick Blanc and Pascal Héni on the side of a waterfall with rocks covered by Elatostema sp. and Impatiens acaulis, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2024
Impatiens acaulis, population on the vertical protected parts of rock slabs adjacent to a waterfall, the plants regularly submerged during heavy rains thus almost rheophytic, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis on vertical permanently seeping rock close to a waterfall, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, small tuberous base fixed to the seeping rock thanks to the narrow radiating adventitious roots, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, population on the vertical protected part of a rock slab at the periphery of a waterfall, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, numerous seedlings at fifferent stages, an indication of the good regeneration through short distance dispersal of the tiny seeds in the small exploding capsule, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, population among mosses and hepatics on a permanently seeîng rock, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, population of small individuals on a vertical permanently seeping rock, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, flowers with characteristic long spur, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, flowers, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Impatiens acaulis, a plant with pale pink flowers and narrow lobes, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka