Tillandsia machupicchuensis covering the bare vertical surfaces of the rock, Aguas Calientes, Cuzco, Peru
Tillandsia machupicchuensis among mosses and algae, covering the bare vertical surfaces of the rock, Aguas Calientes, Cuzco, Peru
Tillandsia machupicchuensis, red anthocyanic and green individuals covering the bare vertical surfaces of the rock, Aguas Calientes, Cuzco, Peru
Begonia ferramica on iron rich ferrallitic rock, Belinga, Gabon
Begonia ferramica blooming on iron rich ferrallitic rock, Belinga, Gabon
Begonia suborbiculata, fleshy leaves perfectly turgescent during the dry season, in March, on a big boulder, Cataban Cuyaw-Yaw Falls, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia suborbiculata, flowering during the dry season, in March, Cataban Cuyaw-Yaw Falls, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia suborbiculata, female flowers with five winged ovary, Cataban Cuyaw-Yaw Falls, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia suborbiculata, dry rain splash capsules with five unequal wings, in March, Cataban Cuyaw-Yaw Falls, Palawan, Philippines
Ficus natalensis ssp. leprieurii hanging from the ceiling of a cave, Mali
Antrophyum boryanum, saxicolous habit, Belouve, La Reunion
Antrophyum boryanum, frond and nerves details, Belouve, La Reunion
Ensete superbum in its dry bamboo forest rocky habitat, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum, the rock banana, large population in its rocky forest habitat, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum in its rocky habitat, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum population in its rocky habitat, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum in its rocky habitat, current monsoon leaves and dry previous year ones, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum in its rocky habitat, individual with previous year dry leaves and new ones emerging at early monsoon season, close up, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum in its rocky habitat, individual with previous year dry leaves and new ones emerging at early monsoon season, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum, previous year dead monocarpic individual with dry reclining inflorescence, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Ensete superbum, monocarpic, previous year dry reclining inflorescence, Suan Hin Maharat, Phrae, Thailand
Rhaphidophora megaphylla climbing on an Orchid covered rock, Wiang Kosai NP, Thailand
Pyrrosia abbreviata, vegetative population on vertical rock surface, Maninjau lake area, West Sumatra, Dec. 2016
Pyrrosia abbreviata, sterile fronds, Maninjau lake area, West Sumatra
Pyrrosia abbreviata, upper adaxial sterile frond surface with white mineral dots excretion from hydathodes, Maninjau lake area, West Sumatra
Pyrrosia abbreviata, upper adaxial sterile frond surface with white mineral dots excretion from hydathodes, close up, Maninjau lake area, West Sumatra
Pyrrosia abbreviata, lower surface of fertile and sterile fronds, Maninjau lake area, West Sumatra
Pyrrosia abbreviata, sori close up, Maninjau lake area, West Sumatra
Sonerila sp., Trengganu, Malaysia
Sonerila heterostemon, Lake Kenyir, Malaysia
Sonerila heterostemon, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand
Sonerila griffithii, tubers, roots and annual shoot on granitic substrate, Gunung Ledang, Johore, Malaysia
Sonerila griffithii, tubers, roots and annual shoots, Gunung Ledang, Johore, Malaysia
Sonerila griffithii, tuberous base and red anthocyanic leaf abaxial surface, Gunung Ledang, Johore, Malaysia
Phyllagathis tuberculata (syn. P. stonei), Genting Highlands, Selangor, Malaysia
Phyllagathis sp., close to P. tuberculata, population on vertical seeping rock mixed with Xyris grandis, Selaginella stipulata and Camptandra parvula, Harau valley, West Sumatra
Phyllagathis sp., almost monocaulous shrubs on vertical seeping rocks, related to the Malayan P. tuberculata, Harau valley, West Sumatra
Phyllagathis sp., close to P. tuberculata, monocaulous individual on seeping rock habitat, Harau valley, West Sumatra
Phyllagathis sp., close to P. tuberculata, fruiting monocaulous individual on seeping rock habitat, Harau valley, West Sumatra
Phyllagathis sp., close to P. tuberculata, dry quadrangular cup shaped capsule allowing seed rain splash dispersal and conspicuous hypanthial glandular emergences, Harau valley, West Sumatra