Elasis hirsuta creeping on open forest floor, Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador
Elasis hirsuta, erect axillary stems in forest understory, Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador
Elasis hirsuta, continuous emission of erect leafy axillary stems along the main reclining stem with long internodes, Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador
Elasis hirsuta climbing and flowering in high altitude forest understory, Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador
Elasis hirsuta, terminal branched inflorescence, Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador
Elasis hirsuta, inflorescences, Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador
Elasis hirsuta, flowers at anthesis, Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador
Gymnostoma papuanum on steep slopes, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Gymnostoma papuanum, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Gymnostoma papuanum crown, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Gymnostoma papuanum, branches, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris, dense population in Eucalyptus alba woodland seasonnally burnt, Port Moresby area, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris in annually burnt savannah woodland dominated by Eucalyptus alba, Port Moresby area, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris in annually burnt wooded savannah dominated by Eucalyptus alba, Port Moresby area, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris in Eucalyptus alba woodland, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris, mixed population with young individuals in the foreground emerging from grasses, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris, dense population in Eucalyptus alba savannah woodland, Port Moresby on the way to Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris in savannah woodland, Port Moresby on the way to Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris, mixed population of old and younger individuals in Eucalyptus alba woodland, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris, black stipe due to annual woodland fires, Port Moresby on the way to Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris in Eucalyptus alba and Gymnostoma papuanum woodland, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Cycas campestris, the stipe regularly burnt due to savannah fires, Varirata NP, Papua New Guinea
Macaranga carrii at forest edge, Mount Hagen, 2800 m asl, Papua New Guinea
Astilbe papuana, leaves, Tari, 2200 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Astilbe papuana in montane swampy svanna, Tari Gap, 3000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Astilbe papuana in wet savanna, 3000 m asl, Hela, Tari, Papua New Guinea
Astilbe papuana, flowers, tari, 2500 m asl, Hela, Papua new Guinea
Ficus dammaropsis on vertical cliff receiving directly the spray of the waterfall, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Ficus dammaropsis, two big shrubs on vertical cliff receiving directly the spray of the waterfall, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Ficus dammaropsis on a vertical cliff close to a waterfall, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Ficus dammaropsis on vertical cliff at the base of a waterfall, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Ficus dammaropsis, branched individual in forest understory, Rondon Ridge 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus dammaropsis in forest, Rondon Ridge 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus dammaropsis, sycones and apical shoot, Rondon Ridge 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Ficus damaropsis, sycones, Rondon Ridge, 2000 m asl, Papua New Guinea
Ficus damaropsis, sycone, Rondon Ridge, 2000 m asl, Papua New Guinea
Patrick Blanc and Osbeckia stellata, Phu Chi Fa, Chiang Rai, Thailand, Nov. 2013
Osbeckia stellata as a shrub in open habitat, Phu Chi Fa, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Osbeckia stellata blooming during the dry season, Phu Chi Fa, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Osbeckia stellata, Phu Chi Fa, Chiang Rai, Thailand