Zamioculcas zamiifolia as the dominant species in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Zamioculcas zamiifolia, dense population in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Zamioculcas zamiifolia, young leaf in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Culcasia orientalis climbing along a tree trunk, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, small shrub in forest understory, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, flowers hanging under the branches, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, flowers hanging under leafy stem and prominent leaf stipules, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, one female flower surrounded by four male flowers, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, male flower, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, female flower, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, one female flower with stigmas fully exposed at anthesis, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, hanging mature capsular fruit, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Meineckia acuminata, mature capsular fruit, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Renealmia engleri, pseudostem with plicate leaves, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Renealmia engleri, multi stemmed clump with numerous basal erect inflorescences, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Renealmia engleri, inflorescence, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Renealmia engleri, flower and maturing fruits with persistent calyx, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Renealmia engleri, flower with three pointed dark pink calyx, white translucent petals and bright white three parted labellum, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Aframomum angustifolium, leafy shoot and basal infructescence, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Aframomum angustifolium, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Aframomum angustifolium, ripe fruits, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Psychotria tanganyikensis in forest understory, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Psychotria tanganyikensis as a shrub in forest understory, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Psychotria tanganyikensis, capitate inflorescence surrounded by foliaceous recurved green bracts, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Psychotria tanganyikensis, green involucral bracts surrounding the head inflorescence, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Psychotria tanganyikensis, head inflorescence surrounded by foliaceous recurved green bracts, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Alsophila manniana in an old forest gap, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Alsophila manniana, narrow stipe and crown of fronds, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Patrick Blanc and Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, Rio Villano, Pastaza, Ecuador, Aug. 1996
Patrick Blanc and Cybianthus anthuriophyllus in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, canopy leaf litter accumulation in the centre of the rosette, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, canopy leaf litter accumulation in the centre of the rosette allowing germination of tree seeds in the humus, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, leaf bases with short petiole embedded in the humus accumulated in the centre of the rosette, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, short trunk with leaf scars in pseudo verticils separated by cataphylls levels, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, leaf with strongly impressed veins, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, acute marginal teeth and deeply impressed veins, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Patrick Blanc showing the bronze coloured leaf surface of a mature individual of Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021
Patrick Blanc showing the dark red anthocyanic leaf surface of a young individual of Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021