Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Patrick Blanc in swampy understory habitat of Alpinia sp. nov. close to A. oceanica, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands, Sept. 2019

    Patrick Blanc in swampy understory habitat of Alpinia sp. nov. close to A. oceanica, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands, Sept. 2019

  • Alpinia sp. nov., population flowering in a swampy forest understory, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., population flowering in a swampy forest understory, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., fertile stems with old spherical inflorescences, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., fertile stems with old spherical inflorescences, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov. in a swampy forest understory, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov. in a swampy forest understory, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., flowering stem, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., flowering stem, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., two old spherical inflorescences, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., two old spherical inflorescences, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., old inflorescences still producing new flowers, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., old inflorescences still producing new flowers, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., old spherical inflorescences still producing new flowers, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., old spherical inflorescences still producing new flowers, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., inflorescence with congested inward recurved light pink bracts and flower buds, flowers at anthesis and withered flowers, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., inflorescence with congested inward recurved light pink bracts and flower buds, flowers at anthesis and withered flowers, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov. close to A. oceanica, two flowers at anthesis, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov. close to A. oceanica, two flowers at anthesis, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., flower buds, flower at anthesis and white mature fruit, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., flower buds, flower at anthesis and white mature fruit, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Alpinia sp. nov., white mature fruit, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

    Alpinia sp. nov., white mature fruit, Halisi, Vangunu, Solomon Islands

  • Patrick Blanc in a clump of Elettaria floribunda with tall leafy stems and basal red inflorescences, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2024

    Patrick Blanc in a clump of Elettaria floribunda with tall leafy stems and basal red inflorescences, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2024

  • Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence, the involucral bracts retaining the water at the top, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence, the involucral bracts retaining the water at the top, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence with overlapping involucral bracts creating a waterproof apical tank, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence with overlapping involucral bracts creating a waterproof apical tank, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence, each bract collects water and the first flower emerges, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, young inflorescence, each bract collects water and the first flower emerges, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, ageing inflorescence with the cincinni in axil of each bract, the new flowers axilled by the cincinni bracteoles, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, ageing inflorescence with the cincinni in axil of each bract, the new flowers axilled by the cincinni bracteoles, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, old inflorescence with new flowers still emerging from from the central cincinni with congested bracteoles, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, old inflorescence with new flowers still emerging from from the central cincinni with congested bracteoles, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, old infructescences with persistent involucral bracts, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, old infructescences with persistent involucral bracts, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, flower at anthesis and old decaying flowers, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, flower at anthesis and old decaying flowers, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, flower at anthesis with bright pink patch on labellum, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, flower at anthesis with bright pink patch on labellum, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

  • Elettaria floribunda, seedlings emerging from an old infructescence, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

    Elettaria floribunda, seedlings emerging from an old infructescence, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

  • Patrick Blanc and Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc and Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar

    Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar

  • Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, white and light purple flowers, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar

    Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, white and light purple flowers, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar

  • Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, flowers, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar

    Gymnanthemum appendiculatum, flowers, Ambohimanga, Antananarivo, Madagascar

  • Patrick Blanc and Clerodendrum arenarium blooming in forest understory, Ankanin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Patrick Blanc and Clerodendrum arenarium blooming in forest understory, Ankanin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Clerodendrum arenarium in forest understory, Ankanin'ny Nofy  Reserve, Madagascar

    Clerodendrum arenarium in forest understory, Ankanin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar

  • Clerodendrum arenarium blooming in forest understory, Ankanin'ny Nofy  Reserve, Madagascar

    Clerodendrum arenarium blooming in forest understory, Ankanin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar

  • Clerodendrum arenarium, flowers at anthesis, Ankanin'ny Nofy  Reserve, Madagascar

    Clerodendrum arenarium, flowers at anthesis, Ankanin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar

  • Clerodendrum arenarium, flowers at anthesis, long green tubular calyx, Ankanin'ny Nofy  Reserve, Madagascar

    Clerodendrum arenarium, flowers at anthesis, long green tubular calyx, Ankanin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar

  • Clerodendrum arenarium, calyx and corolla, Ankanin'ny Nofy  Reserve, Madagascar

    Clerodendrum arenarium, calyx and corolla, Ankanin'ny Nofy Reserve, Madagascar

  • Pothos scandens, flowering stem with synchronous inflorescences, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar

    Pothos scandens, flowering stem with synchronous inflorescences, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar

  • Pothos scandens, backward recurved spadices, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar

    Pothos scandens, backward recurved spadices, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar

  • Pothos scandens, purple spathe and backward yellow recurved spadix with flowers at male anthesis, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar

    Pothos scandens, purple spathe and backward yellow recurved spadix with flowers at male anthesis, Manambato, Canal des Pangalanes, Madagascar

  • Bonamia spectabilis, a bright blue form, Ambilobe, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

    Bonamia spectabilis, a bright blue form, Ambilobe, Madagascar, Aug. 2024

  • Paederia farinosa, bright pink opposite leaves of the stem like bracts, the flowers appearing in the axils of these pink bract like leaves, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

    Paederia farinosa, bright pink opposite leaves of the stem like bracts, the flowers appearing in the axils of these pink bract like leaves, Ankarana Tsingy NP, Madagascar

  • Herreriopsis elegans, Montagne des Français, Madagascar

    Herreriopsis elegans, Montagne des Français, Madagascar

  • Herreriopsis elegans, flowers, Montagne des Français, Madagascar

    Herreriopsis elegans, flowers, Montagne des Français, Madagascar
