Cyperus ascocapensis in grassland, 1200 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Cyperus ascocapensis, inflorescence, 1200 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Cyperus ascocapensis, inflorescence head, 1200 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male plant, each axillary flower peduncle adnate to the subtending leaf petiole, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male plant, each axillary few flowered inflorescence peduncle adnate to the subtending leaf petiole and emerging from a spathe, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male plant, axillary few flowered inflorescence peduncle adnate to the subtending leaf petiole and emerging from a spathe, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male flower, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male flower, hairs around tube etrance, stamens united in a phalange, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male flower, hairy entrance tube and large inflated tube base, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male flower, peduncle adnate to leaf petiole and emerging from a spathe, large brown sepals, inflated tube base of corolla, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, male flower, peduncle adnate to leaf petiole and emerging from a small spathe, large brown sepals, inflated tube base of corolla, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, female inflorescence with peduncle adnate to leaf petiole, emerging from a spathe, flowers emerging from a spathe, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, the female inflorescence emerging from a spathe, the peduncle adnate to leaf petiole, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Momordica kirkii, female flower, almost entire corolla lobes, short not inflated corolla tube, narrow small sepals, densely hairy ovary and papillate stigma, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Thunbergia crispa, flower hanging at the end of a filiform peduncle, Kisensegere, Rukwa, 1200 m asl, Tanzania
Thunbergia crispa, fresh corollas fallen on the ground, Kisensegere, Rukwa, 1200 m asl, Tanzania
Thunbergia alata in habitat, 1000 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Thunbergia alata in native habitat, 1000 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Heterotis rotundifolia creeping and rooting on seasonnally water logged sandy soil in Erica mafiensis habitat, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Heterotis rotundifolia, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Hymenodictyon parvifolium as a low shrub at forest edge, Paranawe, Rukwa, 1500 m asl, Tanzania
Hymenodictyon parvifolium as a creeping shrub at forest edge, Paranawe, Rukwa, 1500 m asl, Tanzania
Hymenodictyon parvifolium, inflorescences, Paranawe, Rukwa, 1500 m asl, Tanzania
Hymenodictyon parvifolium , opposite leaves and inflorescence, Paranawe, Rukwa, 1500 m asl, Tanzania
Hymenodictyon parvifolium, flowers with long style emerging from the tubular corolla, Paranawe, Rukwa, 1500 m asl, Tanzania
Hymenodictyon parvifolium , inflorescence, each flower with long excerted style, Paranawe, Rukwa, 1500 m asl, Tanzania
Hymenodictyon parvifolium, corollas with long narrow tube and campanulate upper part, emerging style and stigma, Paranawe, Rukwa, 1500 m asl, Tanzania
Cyphostemma vanmeelii, erect herb at forest margin, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Cyphostemma vanmeelii, leaves and inflorescence, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Cyphostemma vanmeelii, inflorescence, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Cyphostemma vanmeelii, flowers at different stages, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Cyphostemma vanmeelii, glandular hairy flower peduncles and maturing fruits, Katavi NP, Tanzania
Saba comorensis, inflorescence axis transformed in tendril coiling around branches in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Saba comorensis, flowers in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Saba comorensis, flower, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania
Allanblackia stuhlmannii, flowering male tree, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Allanblackia stuhlmannii, male tree branch with downwards opening flowers, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Allanblackia stuhlmannii male tree, leaves and downward opening flowers, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Allanblackia stuhlmannii, group of axillary male flowers, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania
Allanblackia stuhlmannii, male flowers at anthesis, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania