Toutes les photographies ont été prises par Patrick Blanc et leur usage doit être accompagné de leur légende et de la mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Stictocardia beraviensis, bright Indian pink form in habitat, Ndole Bay, Zambia

    Stictocardia beraviensis, bright Indian pink form in habitat, Ndole Bay, Zambia

  • Tetradenia riparia on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

    Tetradenia riparia on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

  • Tetradenia riparia, flowering branches, Zomba, Malawi

    Tetradenia riparia, flowering branches, Zomba, Malawi

  • Tetradenia riparia, inflorescences, Zomba, Malawi

    Tetradenia riparia, inflorescences, Zomba, Malawi

  • Tetradenia riparia, male flowers, Zomba, Malawi

    Tetradenia riparia, male flowers, Zomba, Malawi

  • Thunbergia alata climbing on herbaceous vegetation in its native habitat, Zomba, Malawi

    Thunbergia alata climbing on herbaceous vegetation in its native habitat, Zomba, Malawi

  • Thunbergia alata flowering in its native habitat, Zomba, Malawi

    Thunbergia alata flowering in its native habitat, Zomba, Malawi

  • Pycnostachys urticifolia, flowering shrub during the dry season, Mulanje, Malawi

    Pycnostachys urticifolia, flowering shrub during the dry season, Mulanje, Malawi

  • Pycnostachys urticifolia, Mulanje, Malawi

    Pycnostachys urticifolia, Mulanje, Malawi

  • Parochetus africanus, Zomba, Malawi

    Parochetus africanus, Zomba, Malawi

  • Parochetus africanus, silver striped leaf form population, Zomba, Malawi

    Parochetus africanus, silver striped leaf form population, Zomba, Malawi

  • Parochetus africanus, silver maculated leaf form, Zomba, Malawi

    Parochetus africanus, silver maculated leaf form, Zomba, Malawi

  • Parochetus africanus, bright blue flower and silver maculated leaf form, Zomba, Malawi

    Parochetus africanus, bright blue flower and silver maculated leaf form, Zomba, Malawi

  • Stereospermum kunthianum flowering while deciduous in dry season, South Luangwa NP, Zambia

    Stereospermum kunthianum flowering while deciduous in dry season, South Luangwa NP, Zambia

  • Tecoma nyassae and Dombeya burgessiae on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

    Tecoma nyassae and Dombeya burgessiae on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

  • Tecoma nyassae with Dombeya burgessiae on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

    Tecoma nyassae with Dombeya burgessiae on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

  • Dombeya burgessiae, Zomba, Malawi

    Dombeya burgessiae, Zomba, Malawi

  • Tecoma nyassae on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

    Tecoma nyassae on a vertical rocky bank, Zomba, Malawi

  • Lobelia baumannii, Zomba, Malawi

    Lobelia baumannii, Zomba, Malawi

  • Impatiens zombensis, flowering individuals on a seeping earth slope, Zomba, Malawi

    Impatiens zombensis, flowering individuals on a seeping earth slope, Zomba, Malawi

  • Impatiens zombensis, Zomba, Malawi

    Impatiens zombensis, Zomba, Malawi

  • Impatiens zombensis, flower, Zomba, Malawi

    Impatiens zombensis, flower, Zomba, Malawi

  • Cuscuta kilimanjari, flowers, Zomba, Malawi

    Cuscuta kilimanjari, flowers, Zomba, Malawi

  • Cuscuta kilimanjari, flowers close up, Zomba, Malawi

    Cuscuta kilimanjari, flowers close up, Zomba, Malawi

  • Combretum platypetalum flowering in burnt savannah close to Raphia farinacea, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

    Combretum platypetalum flowering in burnt savannah close to Raphia farinacea, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

  • Combretum platypetalum flowering in burnt savannah, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

    Combretum platypetalum flowering in burnt savannah, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

  • Combretum platypetalum flowering on previous season burnt stems and producing new basal seasonal leafy shoots, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

    Combretum platypetalum flowering on previous season burnt stems and producing new basal seasonal leafy shoots, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

  • Combretum platypetalum, axillary inflorescences emerging from the base of previous season burned stems, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

    Combretum platypetalum, axillary inflorescences emerging from the base of previous season burned stems, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

  • Combretum platypetalum flowering on previous season burned stems, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

    Combretum platypetalum flowering on previous season burned stems, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

  • Combretum platypetalum, axillary dense inflorescences at the base of previous season burned stems, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

    Combretum platypetalum, axillary dense inflorescences at the base of previous season burned stems, Mbala, Lake Tanganyika area, Zambia

  • Schizomussaenda henryi as a small pioneer  tree in perturbated forest, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

    Schizomussaenda henryi as a small pioneer tree in perturbated forest, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Schizomussaenda henryi late flowering period with fading white calyx calycophylls, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

    Schizomussaenda henryi late flowering period with fading white calyx calycophylls, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Streptolirion volubile, inflorescence, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

    Streptolirion volubile, inflorescence, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Streptolirion volubile, inflorescence close up, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

    Streptolirion volubile, inflorescence close up, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Osbeckia chinensis in grass field, Topas Ecolodge, Sapa, Vietnam

    Osbeckia chinensis in grass field, Topas Ecolodge, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Osbeckia chinensis, Topas Ecolodge, Sapa, Vietnam

    Osbeckia chinensis, Topas Ecolodge, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Oxyspora paniculata, terminal nodding inflorescencesNam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

    Oxyspora paniculata, terminal nodding inflorescencesNam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Oxyspora paniculata, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

    Oxyspora paniculata, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Oxyspora paniculata, flowers, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

    Oxyspora paniculata, flowers, Nam Cang, Sapa, Vietnam

  • Piper nematanthera, Nouragues CNRS Field Station, French Guyana

    Piper nematanthera, Nouragues CNRS Field Station, French Guyana
